Monday, December 30, 2013

Christmas letter

Well, we had a great time talking with Elder Williams on Wednesday.  It was a little late because they had to got to the church building.  The two sets of Elders had to use an Ipad and Laptop to skype with us, but it worked!!  We also got to quickly see Elder Flores (who stayed another transfer) and then the two new elders, Elder Lines (DL) and Collin's companion.  They all seem like nice guys.  I guess the two new guys are a little "stiff".  They think that Elder Williams is having too much fun with the members and not enough spiritual.  Elder Williams is trying to find a balance with this new addition.  He thinks that this will be his last transfer in Autlan.  He is sad to go, but looking forward to a new adventure. 

"I miss a lot of people here already and knowing that I will be leaving Autlan soon is starting to sink in.   I'm going to do everything I can to make this possibly last transfer here the best it can and carry the momentum to the next area.  I really want to finish strong and I want to look back and not have any regrets on the work I "could have done" and see "I did enough".

"I hope you enjoy your NYE (New Year's Eve) because we can't do anything fun here....  Christmas was fun and we ate a lot!!!!  We had pizza twice in one day and then we had a very yummy "Turkey" dinner with a very yummy fruit salad that I am begging for the recipe.  I loved spending time with some of my favorite families here even though my comp didn't let me joke around with them as much as I would have liked.  He just cut right in to teach a lesson.....  Oh well.  Still trying to find a balance."

"I had to talk last minute yesterday because we had 45 people at church for the rain storm...  It's been raining for 3 days straight.  It's terrible.  I talked about the same thing as the Elder there (in Florida).  Don't be afraid to talk to someone about the church and just do it with a prayer in your heart.  The Spirit and faith will take over the fear."

Elder Williams looks great!  He is definitely a MAN!  He is no longer my little boy or my little young man.  I can't believe how much he has already changed!  He sounds happy and is really enjoying his mission.  He had a hard time talking with us...he kept reverting back into Spanish as he was talking.  Chris laughed at him the whole time!  Our only bad part of the skype was when the rain storm came into Autlan and took out our connection.  We had to type and stutter our way through the last 10 minutes of the call.  And as you can tell from his email, it has been raining ever since Christmas Day.

Well, as we leave the wonderful warmth of Florida and Elder Williams gets to forge through the rain of Autlan, we will see what the new year brings to us all.  We hope you had a very Merry Christmas and a fantastic New Year!!  Elder Williams only has 8 months left!!!!!!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

week of 12-16-13

Well, it is only 8 days away before we can skype to Elder Williams!!!!  We are so excited we are about to jump out of our skin!!!!  We will be leaving for Florida on Wednesday...WARMTH!!!!  I don't know if I will have time to do a blog while I am there, but I will try!  I might even include pics of us on the beach just to rub it in!!  :-)

Elder Williams had transfers this week.  He is staying in Autlan again, but Elder Snyder is homeward bound and Elder Barrera got transferred.  So he and Elder Flores are still in Autlan.  They are both getting new companions and they are supposedly having a missionary dinner to all meet.  Sounds like he will get his packages there, too!

Brother Jones, Collin's old YM leader asked me to ask him to send his testimony that he could share with the Priest's quorum.  It is soo wonderful I thought I would put it on this weeks blog!  He also got a wonderful letter from his Mexican "Omi" that shows how wonderfully loved and taken care of he was in Residencial. 

"The mission is the best decision that I could have made.  I have seen so many different people have their lives changed for the better that it has made my testimony of this wonderful gospel grow.  The way that people put their complete trust in us as missionaries and in the Lord is remarkable.  There are so many people that have learned by experience that obedience brings blessings.  Just as President Monson said in his talk in April blessing are brought to pass by obedience to the gospel of Christ.  Just as it says in Mosiah 2:41, we receive all kinds of blessings by living the gospel and keeping the commandments of God.  The saints here in Mexico are so happy to have found the truth and live these standards.  The majority are converts and have told me that they haven't felt this happiness anywhere else.  The Church is true and this is His work.  Being a missionary requires a lot of preparation but it will make things so much easier once you are out in the field.  Study PMG and read the BoM before you head out.  It will give you a wonderful headstart.  Keep yourselves clean and don't have any "addictions" to things or it will be very hard to go "cold turkey" here on the mission.  Make sure you sanctify yourselves and be ready at all times to talk to anyone about the gospel.  Be ready to share this wonderful life changing miracle of the restoration with everyone.  The only way they can receive eternal life and families is through what we teach.  Joseph Smith restored the full truth to the earth by the power of God.  We are privledged to hold this wonderful power but we can only use it if we have the Spirit.  Keep yourselves clean and follow the counsels of your leaders.  The leaders of your mission will be your most trusted friends if you earn their trust and keep it.  The Book of Mormon is the word of God and Another Testament of Jesus Christ.  It contains the answers to all the questions of humanity.  If you read it with the Spirit and a prayer in your heart, you will learn something new EVERYTIME you read.  This is my testimony in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen."

Letter from Sister Zaldivar (google translated)
My guerito so far I got your mail. and with all the gusto I'm
writing eperando find yourself really well, we're
well but, yo. I've missed you so much I wrote you a letter if you do not
would come, the elders come to eat with us, and always remember you
much, and you were my grandson comes to want much my guerito and your
be happy, I do not forget alberto sends you greetings, I command all
my baby, please take care much, and do not forget we love you very much.
greetings to your beautiful family,,,

Sister Zaldivar

Have a super fantastic Holiday!!!!  We will be basking in the sunshine!!!!

Monday, December 9, 2013

week 12-9-13

After such a fun week during Thanksgiving, Elder Williams has settled back down again.  The best gift that a parent can receive is the wonderful testimony of their children.  Here is Elder Williams wonderful testimony:

The plan of salvation is a wonderful thing and a marvelous gift to all mankind.  It gives us meaning in life and an answer to the many questions about birth, life, and death.  I know that God is always wanting the best for us and that He is looking down at us hoping and praying we will use our agency wisely and for the right path.  God loves us so much to give us His son to give us a chance to return.  He knew we couldn't do this without the sacrifice of Jesus the Christ. I've seen many people become touched by this knowledge that we have of the Great Plan of Salvation of our Father.  I'm grateful to know that so I don't have to be so sad when our loved ones die.  We have a young woman who was a widow at 24 and at her husband's funeral she had no tear in her eye because she knew the plan God prepared for them would allow her to see him again.  What a testimony!!

And seconded by his own wonderful testimony!

Here are a few more pics that were sent a few days later from a ranch right outside of Autlan.

Snyder, Barrera, Flores, Williams

Names, country flags, sport numbers and nicknames

The Manzanillo Zone

Rock Jumping!  If you can't jump in the water, why not try the rocks??

Elder Snyder protecting Elder Williams from the crashing boulders?

Corn on a stick!  Almost like at home or is that from Nacho Libre?

Have a great week!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

week of 12-1-13

Well, between Thanksgiving and trying to get Christmas packages off, we finally got a letter from Elder Williams.  He had a day to go get his Visa renewed and then Thanksgiving and then he got an extra P-day because of all that.  Wow! I even got an email conversation with him on my birthday!  It was the best Birthday present ever!!!  This week's blog is full of pics and vids, so ENJOY!

The three muskateers reunited!  Elders Williams, Farmer, Eagan.  Elder Farmer was his MTC companion and Elder Eagan was the one that almost broke his finger playing basketball!  They look GREAT!

Elder Snyder replaces Elder Sanders at the transfers.  He happens to be a PHS alumni just like Collin!  The world just keeps getting smaller with two PHS boys not only serving in the same mission, but in the same district!!!!

Frog Eye Salad for Thanksgiving!

Chef Williams' improvising with ingredients.

Collin wanted Frog Eye Salad sooooo badly this year that he asked for the recipe and made it himself.  The biggest problem was getting the correct pasta...with no way of getting Acini de Pepe Chef Williams improvises with cutting up spaghetti!!!!  Way to go Chef!!!

Speaking of cooking... these two dishes are polar opposites...

Barbocoa Tacos...Yummy!

I have no idea who the chef was on this one...YUK?!

According to Elder Williams it is biscuits and gravy over pancakes!!!!  Go ahead, I dare you to try it!

Now for the P-day fun (as if the cooking fun wasn't fun enough!)!

Elder Snyder as his "pit crew".

Go-Kart (push cart) racing...

Now for the Action Video of the races...  Snyder VS. Flores... you time them!

Then there is the beauty of living in the tropics!  While we are weathering one of the worst storms in Utah, Elder Williams is out running through the rocks and streams on a beautiful summer day! Just doesn't seem fair, does it...

Well, it seems the Elders are keeping themselves busy with less actives and part member families.  This family with the push cart is a part member family.  The older girl, Mitzi, is a member, and they are hoping for the mother to get baptized soon.  Keep them in your prayers!

The last thing that Elder Williams said before he signed off was, "I am sick!"  Oh, boy!  I hope it is something quick.  He hasn't been sick hardly at all this mission, so hopefully this will pass and all will be feeling better.  We may be in for a little more info tomorrow, but we know we will be skyping in about 20 days!!!!!!  I love Christmas!!!!!

See you next week for the continuing Williams saga...

Monday, November 18, 2013

week of 11-17-13

More fun news from Autlan:

"I am excited to tell you that we found more new investigators.  I also won the scripture chase but because my comp didn't know them as well as I did (being a recent convert of a passive catholic aka not knowing much of any scriptural references) I didn't win the general score.  Elder Snyder and Elder Flores from my district did that.  It's nice to be the best district in the zone.  We also are having fun teaching a new investigator that has 3 kids and has accepted to be baptized.  hahahahaha yeah!!!!!  but didn't go to church.....  booo.....  I love you so much and I know that prayers are answered and always give us the guidance that is needed in that time period.  When we need guidance we need to turn to the only one that knows which way we should go and then trust in him to follow those promptings!!!!!  I love you so much and I can't wait to see you at Xmas.  Thanks for all that you do for me and the support."

And on a little lighter (Collin) note:

" I hope I won't be too "grown up".  I still want to have my boyish charm about me.  hahahahahaha.  I actually got wolf whistled at yesterday by four young women in a car as they drove by.  That was a good sign that I'm still GORGEOUS and not fat....  hahahahahaha.  I hope that you guys don't fatten up as you eat 2 Thanksgivings!!!!  hahahaha just think of it in this way.  Extra veg and nap time.  I wish I could get some Thanksgiving Feast.  One of our Sisters in the branch is going to her husband and kids in Vegas for Thanksgiving and I told her to bring me some Turkey and pumpkin pie.  hahahahaha she just laughed and said yeah, right.  Our new leadership (Elder Snyder from PHS) is great.  He is very driven and doesn't want to die these last 4 weeks.  hhahahahaha.  He's very fun, loving, caring, helpful, and has changed a lot since his high school days.  We are working as hard as the work is allowing us.  We are struggling still to find more new investigators but we did find one lady who has a whole family that could be baptized.  We are working hard to get her to be our next baptism."

Elder Williams leaves for Manzanillo tomorrow for another meeting.  It will be fun to hear about all his travels this month!  Looking forward to lots of pictures soon.

If you want to send him things for Christmas, send it before Thanksgiving or he will NOT get it!  He just barely got his Halloween package that I sent at the end of Sept.

Thanks for all your support of Elder Williams!  Happy Holidays! 

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

week 11-11-13

After all the traumatic things we have heard about the storms in the Philippines, we are all grateful that all is well in Mexico!

Well, prayers must be being heard.  This week was an upswing for Elder Williams and Elder Barrera!  First of all, Elder Barrera's mother was baptized this past weekend.  He was the only member of his family before he went on his mission.  Now he has had his mother join him!  How wonderful for Elder Barrera!  In Elder Williams' district they had a baptism.  Not him specifically, but they all celebrate each others' successes.

From Elder Williams recent letter:
"We have found some new investigators and we are really excited to get them on the path to the true church.  I hope I'm being an asset to the Lord's army.  My testimony of the Atonement is growing so much.  To see people pull a full 180 is just amazing.  I love to see that change in the people I teach and in myself as well."

As for a "small world" incident:
"Hey and guess who's together for the last time possible?!?!?! ELDER CODY SNYDER!!!!!  He's my DL.  How sweet is that going to be?!?!?!  The PHS boys of the mission are together at last.  hahhahahaha.  So stoked.  He goes home on his B-day.  And if they cut my mission another week I'd be doing the same.....  AAAAAHHHHH!!!!!"
It turns out that another boy from Provo High School, that Collin knew, is also in the Quad Mission and now he is Elder Williams' district leader.  How cool is that!!!!

Well, it sounds like things are moving up in Autlan, Mexico.  Please keep your prayers coming for Elder Williams!  They are being answered!

Monday, November 4, 2013

weekly post 11-4-13

Things seem to be going well with Elder Williams.  His hand is healing ok.  He says he isn't getting the same straightening in his pinky finger that he used to. 

"I wish I could be as obedient and faithful as the early saints too but we were chosen to be put in this day at this time to see how we can grow and progress in the Lord's plan.   Elder Barrera is doing really well.  His mom actually just got baptized this weekend!!!!!  I am so happy for him and his family.  He is really excited that he is not alone anymore in this faith.  We are slowly starting to communicate better but there are some times when we are talking to the members and he doesn't even understand them either so I don't feel so bad...  hahahaha The funny thing is that his vocabulary is way different than the Guadalajara vocab.  The Mexico City Spanish is very different from the Guadalajara Spanish.  There are words here that I've been saying for months now that members have taught me but I say them to him and he's like "what are you talking about dude?"  ahahahahaha It's kinda funny.  We are having a hard time finding new people to teach but the "GF" of a young man in our branch is starting to be more and more interested.  She's already been to church 6 times now and we are just trying to get her some lessons.  She lives in a little outskirt town and we are having a hard time getting to her to teach her.  We should have a lesson tomorrow with her."

Sounds like things are on an upswing!  Here are some interesting pictures for the week!


This is more like the Burro, not a Burrito!

The burrito is from their next door neighbors who make them all the time!  No wonder Collin is worried about his weight!!!  I hope he isn't eating one of those every day!!!  As for the spider....
That would scare ALL the weight out of me!!!

Till next time!  Pray for Elder Williams and Elder Barerra!

Monday, October 28, 2013

week of 10-28-13

Well, it seems the excitement comes in waves from Autlan!  Thank goodness!  I would be having a nervous breakdown by now if every week was like last week.  This week it looks like Elder Williams is celebrating birthdays, walking the streets for contacts and playing soccer with the youth!  Great things to build relationships.  The investigators are going really slow, so keep praying for Elder Williams and Barrera to get some inspiration and help to soften hearts.

Little Girl birthday!
 Two birthday for the price of one!  Got to love those!

Big Girl Birthday!
Boys will be boys especially playing soccer!
Look at those snuggly kittens!  Just makes you want to say... AWWWWW!

"My teaching schedule is usually teaching less actives until the later times of the afternoon.  We haven't had very many investigators to teach because they are all working until 8 at night, only are available some days out of the week, or our lessons fall through because we don't have a member with us.  Street contacting is going ok.  Still don't like doing it because in this small town everyone is working as they walk and can't stop, very catholic, or have screaming kids that wont let you get a word in edgewise (sp?).  It's very frustrating."

In his letter to Brennin, Elder Williams bore this testimony:
"I am glad that you know that God calls prophets.  God loves us so much to send us prophets.  I know that and I am glad to have a prophet on the earth today. "

To his grandfather:
"I am grateful that you are spending some time with my fam.  I am so grateful for the time that we have had to get along and have a good relation.  Thanks for being a great grandpa and I'm glad to still have you in my life."

Well, that is all for this week.  A short one after the craziness of last week!  Thanks for your support of Elder Williams!  Only 10 months left!!!!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

weekly update 10-23-13

Once again we didn't get much of an email from Elder Williams the week before, but this week we have some excitement.  If that is what you want to call it!!!  It sounds like Elder Williams was trying to swing from the rafters and the rafters won!  It ended in a trip to the doctor with an almost broken/severed finger!  Way to go Elder Williams!

Yesterday was bittersweet because I had to talk in church and I also almost cut off my pinky.  Yeah you'll know what happened when you see the pics.   This is what happens when a fan is shorter than you thought and you raise your hands really fast.  Any of you remember Newsies?  I tried to be the guy who spins on the fan.....  Not true.  Just me checking my surroundings trying to be the comic relief of the missionaries....  This happened yesterday in the chapel after church was over.  whoopie for me.




Nice bruising! 

Exciting food of Mexico????  A little taste of the local cuisine...

Elder Barrera making lasagna!

adding the finishing touches to a Mexitalian meal?
Pig's feet in Pozole!

Close up shot!

And last but not least... some sight seeing around Autlan...  We have all heard the saying, "Your home is your castle", but this is taking it a bit too far!!!!

I want a house just like this one!

Wow!  Now that is a castle!

Well, that is all this week from the wonderful world of Elder Williams!  See you next week!

Monday, October 7, 2013

combo weeks 10-7-13

Sorry I didn't update last week.  Our Ballroom team was having a benefit concert for a family that lost a mother to cancer and I was swamped getting that concert ready.  So, we have two weeks of news and some pics.  Last week we didn't get much because Elder Williams used his P-day to go up to Quadalajara to pick up a new companion.  Elder Williams has his first greenie!  He is now a trainer!  Oh, boy!  He is nervous because he really wants to do a good job!

From Elder Williams' letter 10-1-13:
Well here in Autlan I got some good news and bad news.  The bad news is that Elder Montaño is not my companion anymore.  The "good" news is that I am now a trainer......  I have now recieved my first "son"....  I'm freaking out.  I can't believe that I have been given this much resposibility....  I'm kinda feeling a bit inadequate...  I don't know if I have the right amount of experience to train another missionary.  I am definitely depending a LOT on the Lord now.  I just really need some encouragment from everyone.  I just feel very nervous about this whole thing.  His mission depends on how I do as his trainer.

Elder Barrera from Mexico City.  He is a recent convert of 18 months and is very homesick.  He is the only member of his family but they support him which is good news.  I'm kinda freaking out about having this responsibility.  I don't know how I got put here.   I just hope I can help him stay on the mission.  He is having family and mom withdrawals big time already and it's been 3 weeks since he left home.  I just don't want to fail.

Greenie and new Trainer!

Welcome to Autlan, Elder Barrera!

What a GREAT smile!

From Elder Williams' letter 10-7-13
Dear Daddy:
I am grateful for your advice and your confidence in me.  I am really nervous and he is supposedly really sick after this weekend.  Something hasn't agreed with his stomach and that makes him frustrated and causes his migrains.  I'm trying to find a way to help him not feel so down and sick but it's hard in a different language and not having many resources.  I'm just hoping I'm doing a good job. I really don't want him to have a bad first area and it's not starting off to great for him so far.

Have you seen the Mormon Message "Earthly Father, Heavenly Father"?  If not look it up.  It is amazing.  I love you and I miss you so.  See you in 11 months.  Oh and if I don't get to tell you on Friday, HAPPY BIRTHDAY OL' TIMER!!!!!!!  hahahaha jk.  I love you.

2 months left until I get to Skype you guys.  I think it would be cool too to Skype and have Omi and Opa there too.  I loved that part of Uchtdorf's talk.  I almost cried remembering my Omi and Opa.

I'm so grateful for your prayers, faith, confidence, and love that you send my way every day.  I really miss having that close and not across the country.  I can't wait for the day to have that once again all around me.  I love you so much and I hope that you are doing alright.

11 months.... Wow...  Oh and they are cutting the mission of everyone again another week so I could be coming home 25th of August....  AAAAHHHH!!!!!  CRAZY!!!!

What a great, humble missionary!  We love our Collin! And we might see him sooner!!!???

Monday, September 23, 2013

Week 9-23-13

WOW!!!  This week there was lots more news from Elder Williams!  He sent 7 emails with pictures and 7 videos!!!  It was really cool!  We spent our whole FHE night just enjoying the wonderful world of Elder Williams!  I didn't include everything he sent, but here are the highlights:

From Elder Williams' letter:
"We had divisions this week and I got to ride the bikes up the awful montains....  I don't know how they do it each day with those horrible bikes that don't change gears easily.

As for new investigators, we have a new referral of a YM.  He has invited his "GF" and she invited her aunt and cousin.  They have been to church and seem to enjoy it.  The only problem is that they live in a "pueblito" and we have to get permission to teach them there.  If we don't get it then we have to teach them in the house of her "BF".  We are still working on Juan but he just doesn't want to come to church......  UGH!!!!!  I don't know how to get these people to understand the importance of church more than what I've been teaching...  I have been starting to read PMG from cover to cover.  I have gotten some very good insight about the power and authority of my calling.  It is amazing to think that young men of 18 years can be trusted with such glorious power.  It makes me really want to show that it wasn't a mistake to give it to me.  We are really trying to find more and more families to teach because PMG says to search specifically for families to become eternal.  Roberto is just having a bunch of family problems.  His mom is JW (Jehovah witness) and his Gpa might have to get his leg cut off to save his life and that's why he didn't go to church yesterday....  oh boy...  We are trying to help him and his family become strong and together in the church."

From Autlan... we thought we had it bad after our one flash flood day...

It seems there is a ritual among missionaries that at their one year mark they get to burn one shirt.  They have a "shirt burning party"!  Oh, my.  Chris says he never knew anything about that and never did one, but all the other return elders he has talked to have all done it.  So here are some pics and a video of that special one year mark!

And the video to go with it!

Area General Authority, Elder Johnson toured the Quad mission and so Elder Williams and Elder Montano had to travel even further south to the coastal city of Manzanillo.  They might not be able to go to the beach, but they did get some relax time?

Hammock in the Zone Leaders house

Here is a video of the Manzanillo beach (that none of the Elders get to enjoy!!)

Just in case you are wondering if this was a fun trip or if they did any work, here is a picture from the mission blog that shows that Elder Williams can scripture chase.  He wasn't a high score on the test they had.  We will have to have him work on that!!

Then there was also the Mexican Independence Day celebration at the Branch.  It was actually on a Sunday, but the ward celebrated on the Saturday with a big Branch Party.  Here are some fun shots of missionaries enveloping the spirit of the country and people they serve!

Traditional Mexican dress up?

Elder Williams sporting a "true Mexican pose"?


Now we get to play dress up?  Elders donning the different types of Mexican sombreros!  Which one do you like Elder Williams in?  Leave a comment and vote and we will let him know which sombrero we like on him and he can buy it before he comes home!  :-)

Sombrero #1 - Viva Mexico in Straw

Sombrero #2 - Hat with brim

Sombrero #3 - Black sombrero

And also a video of the great Viva Mexico parade!

And we will leave you with this last picture....

Elders... you need to go home and SHAVE!!!!
Looks like great things are happening in Mexico!!!  Keep Juan and Roberto in your prayers.  And keep Elder Williams in your hearts!  Hopefully we will see a baptism soon!!!!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Week of 9-16-13

Well, this week was really short!!!  There seems to be promise of a longer one with pics and vids next week.

Looks like Mexico is getting the same kind of weather we are having here in Utah!

"We supposedly have a "hurricane" blowing through this part of Mexico and we got hit with a nice rainstorm last night and didn't stop until about 2 this afternoon.  It just started to drizzle again as we are here writing.  We are expecting a lot of rain this week.   Roberto is not progressing well.  I think he was more converted to Elder Vega than the church.  We are trying to change that."

"We have classes in Manzanillo every second tuesday of the month.  We also had a conference with Elder Johnson from our area 70 in Colima.  That was a long day.  We were on a bus or a shuttle for 8 hours on Thursday....  ugh.   The humidity in Manzanillo is deadly.  Even in a hammock sleeping I'm sweating....  YUCK!!!  I'll send you a bunch of videos and pics next week because at the computer place I'm at they don't have a free USB port. "

Well, that is all for now!  Keep Roberto in your prayers! 

Pray for Elder Williams!  See you next week!

Monday, September 9, 2013

On the DOWN HILL slope!!!

This week marks the 1 YEAR mark for Elder Williams!!!!  Can you believe it?????  We didn't get any shirt burning videos like he promised.  Maybe that is a good thing!  I did get some pictures from the Mexico blog when he was have Zone conference.  I didn't write last week because Elder Williams didn't write more than a few sentences because his companion still had things to get done on P-day and wouldn't let Collin spend much time on the computer.  We got more info this week...

Elder Montano, Elder Williams and the other two elders in the Autlan district.

Supposedly practicing a contact on a Taxi driver?  Can't tell if the driver is really feeling that spirit?

Zone conference 2013

Still working on Roberto to get baptized!  Keep him in your prayers!  He needs to get the courage to tell his boss that he needs the week ends off to go to church and to go to his own baptism.  They are also working on another man named Juan Adame.  "We had a member accompany us and he was amazing.  We are really grateful for that brother.  Juan is excited and is reading the BoM.  He didn't come to church but we are excited to work with him. He is really excited about the gospel" but the rule is that they have to attend church 5 times before they can be baptized!  Lots and lots of prayers are needed!

Beautiful Autlan!

Can't tell if he is pointing to the city or the clouds???

Happy Companions in a beautiful city!

"Our branch is going to have a party for the Mexican Independence Day.  It's Sunday but Saturday we get to yell "VIVA MEXICO!!!!"  Should be fun."

"The biggest problem here in Autlan is getting bored...  When there is nothing to do and the lessons fall through we can't knock doors to find people, we just have to try to find people at home and go back and forth to find them available.  We have to actualize the branch lists to see who still lives here, who died, who doesn't want anything to do with us, etc.  That has been the most tiring part of the work here.  That is the main focus of the mission is the less actives.  We are trying to get the people that are already members to stay active and then help us find others to teach and become active members.  It's rough and in our half of the area almost all the people don't live there anymore and no one knows where they went....  Tough...  "

Keep Elder Williams and the people of Autlan in your prayers.  This will be the first and final Halloween in Mexico for Elder Williams.  If you want to send him a package send it off in the next little while!  We can't wait to hear of his experiences with "Day of the Dead" in Mexico!

Love you all and thank you for your support!