Monday, November 18, 2013

week of 11-17-13

More fun news from Autlan:

"I am excited to tell you that we found more new investigators.  I also won the scripture chase but because my comp didn't know them as well as I did (being a recent convert of a passive catholic aka not knowing much of any scriptural references) I didn't win the general score.  Elder Snyder and Elder Flores from my district did that.  It's nice to be the best district in the zone.  We also are having fun teaching a new investigator that has 3 kids and has accepted to be baptized.  hahahahaha yeah!!!!!  but didn't go to church.....  booo.....  I love you so much and I know that prayers are answered and always give us the guidance that is needed in that time period.  When we need guidance we need to turn to the only one that knows which way we should go and then trust in him to follow those promptings!!!!!  I love you so much and I can't wait to see you at Xmas.  Thanks for all that you do for me and the support."

And on a little lighter (Collin) note:

" I hope I won't be too "grown up".  I still want to have my boyish charm about me.  hahahahahaha.  I actually got wolf whistled at yesterday by four young women in a car as they drove by.  That was a good sign that I'm still GORGEOUS and not fat....  hahahahahaha.  I hope that you guys don't fatten up as you eat 2 Thanksgivings!!!!  hahahaha just think of it in this way.  Extra veg and nap time.  I wish I could get some Thanksgiving Feast.  One of our Sisters in the branch is going to her husband and kids in Vegas for Thanksgiving and I told her to bring me some Turkey and pumpkin pie.  hahahahaha she just laughed and said yeah, right.  Our new leadership (Elder Snyder from PHS) is great.  He is very driven and doesn't want to die these last 4 weeks.  hhahahahaha.  He's very fun, loving, caring, helpful, and has changed a lot since his high school days.  We are working as hard as the work is allowing us.  We are struggling still to find more new investigators but we did find one lady who has a whole family that could be baptized.  We are working hard to get her to be our next baptism."

Elder Williams leaves for Manzanillo tomorrow for another meeting.  It will be fun to hear about all his travels this month!  Looking forward to lots of pictures soon.

If you want to send him things for Christmas, send it before Thanksgiving or he will NOT get it!  He just barely got his Halloween package that I sent at the end of Sept.

Thanks for all your support of Elder Williams!  Happy Holidays! 

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