Monday, November 4, 2013

weekly post 11-4-13

Things seem to be going well with Elder Williams.  His hand is healing ok.  He says he isn't getting the same straightening in his pinky finger that he used to. 

"I wish I could be as obedient and faithful as the early saints too but we were chosen to be put in this day at this time to see how we can grow and progress in the Lord's plan.   Elder Barrera is doing really well.  His mom actually just got baptized this weekend!!!!!  I am so happy for him and his family.  He is really excited that he is not alone anymore in this faith.  We are slowly starting to communicate better but there are some times when we are talking to the members and he doesn't even understand them either so I don't feel so bad...  hahahaha The funny thing is that his vocabulary is way different than the Guadalajara vocab.  The Mexico City Spanish is very different from the Guadalajara Spanish.  There are words here that I've been saying for months now that members have taught me but I say them to him and he's like "what are you talking about dude?"  ahahahahaha It's kinda funny.  We are having a hard time finding new people to teach but the "GF" of a young man in our branch is starting to be more and more interested.  She's already been to church 6 times now and we are just trying to get her some lessons.  She lives in a little outskirt town and we are having a hard time getting to her to teach her.  We should have a lesson tomorrow with her."

Sounds like things are on an upswing!  Here are some interesting pictures for the week!


This is more like the Burro, not a Burrito!

The burrito is from their next door neighbors who make them all the time!  No wonder Collin is worried about his weight!!!  I hope he isn't eating one of those every day!!!  As for the spider....
That would scare ALL the weight out of me!!!

Till next time!  Pray for Elder Williams and Elder Barerra!

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