Monday, September 9, 2013

On the DOWN HILL slope!!!

This week marks the 1 YEAR mark for Elder Williams!!!!  Can you believe it?????  We didn't get any shirt burning videos like he promised.  Maybe that is a good thing!  I did get some pictures from the Mexico blog when he was have Zone conference.  I didn't write last week because Elder Williams didn't write more than a few sentences because his companion still had things to get done on P-day and wouldn't let Collin spend much time on the computer.  We got more info this week...

Elder Montano, Elder Williams and the other two elders in the Autlan district.

Supposedly practicing a contact on a Taxi driver?  Can't tell if the driver is really feeling that spirit?

Zone conference 2013

Still working on Roberto to get baptized!  Keep him in your prayers!  He needs to get the courage to tell his boss that he needs the week ends off to go to church and to go to his own baptism.  They are also working on another man named Juan Adame.  "We had a member accompany us and he was amazing.  We are really grateful for that brother.  Juan is excited and is reading the BoM.  He didn't come to church but we are excited to work with him. He is really excited about the gospel" but the rule is that they have to attend church 5 times before they can be baptized!  Lots and lots of prayers are needed!

Beautiful Autlan!

Can't tell if he is pointing to the city or the clouds???

Happy Companions in a beautiful city!

"Our branch is going to have a party for the Mexican Independence Day.  It's Sunday but Saturday we get to yell "VIVA MEXICO!!!!"  Should be fun."

"The biggest problem here in Autlan is getting bored...  When there is nothing to do and the lessons fall through we can't knock doors to find people, we just have to try to find people at home and go back and forth to find them available.  We have to actualize the branch lists to see who still lives here, who died, who doesn't want anything to do with us, etc.  That has been the most tiring part of the work here.  That is the main focus of the mission is the less actives.  We are trying to get the people that are already members to stay active and then help us find others to teach and become active members.  It's rough and in our half of the area almost all the people don't live there anymore and no one knows where they went....  Tough...  "

Keep Elder Williams and the people of Autlan in your prayers.  This will be the first and final Halloween in Mexico for Elder Williams.  If you want to send him a package send it off in the next little while!  We can't wait to hear of his experiences with "Day of the Dead" in Mexico!

Love you all and thank you for your support!

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