Monday, August 26, 2013

Weekly letter 8-26-13

It sounds like another busy week for Elder Williams and Elder Montano.  As Elder Williams said, they went to the house of the investigators and baked the cake, lit the candles, sang happy birthday, blew out the candles and then smashed Elder Williams into the cake!  Oh, what fun!

20 Birthday Candles!

One face into the cake!   

Hope you enjoy the video of this happy birthday song!  Looks like they had lots of fun! (At Elder Williams' expense)

Here is a look at Elder Montano: (sideways, sorry I can't get it to flip!)

And here is another one of their room mates...

A scorpion!!!!!!  And this one looks awfully small.  Doesn't that mean BAD POISON!?

We also found out today that there was one day Elder Williams actually got bit by a dog!:

"When I first got to Autlan I was in Manzanillo for Interviews.  We were walking with some other elders that we were staying with and a dog bit me!!!!  He barked and barked and barked and I just thought "don't look at him, don't show fear, just keep walking and he won't do anything"  NO!!!!  The dumb animal bit my leg.  It was pretty crazy and funny. "

(Elder Williams and Montano are Co-Senior Companions)  "Co-Sr. means that there is no difference in rank or leadership but I do the majority of the stuff like get the money to pay rent, phone calls, data, etc.  Just because I've been here longer." 
We had Zone Conference this weekend and we got to learn a lot about the plan of salvation and the Atonement and it's importance.  I'll tell you more in detail later.  We have 2 YSA I think at the most. We are doing FHE's and we are starting English classes in the chapel this week.  That should be fun."

That is all for this week.  Next week will be Both Elder Williams and Montano 1 year mark!
Now the birthday is not only for 20 year olds, but for 1 year olds, too!
"I have a great companion in Elder Montaño and we will be turning a year the same day.  We will have the shirt burning ritual and we'll send you the video.  hahahahaha."

This sounds ominous!  Chris had no idea what a shirt burning ritual is, soooooo I guess we wait for the video footage and hope they don't burn anything down!!!!!

Love from all the Williams, including Elder Williams! 

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