Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Happy Birthday Elder Williams!

My prayers were answered!  Elder Williams' birthday package arrived safe and sound and all parts intact!  He had other members celebrate his birthday with him as well.  In fact one sister (we didn't get told her name) made an incredibly scrumptious looking cake!!!! 
Are you eating your arm or the cake?

Oreos, strawberries and kiwi!  Is this boy spoiled or what?

 Also, Elder Williams got to spend his birthday with a baptism!  In his own words.. "(the best bday present ever) Salvation of a family"!  Here is what happened at that very special baptism:
"I really had a hard time keeping the tears back during the baptism this Sat.  Jahir was having a really hard time with his fear of water and asked to give him a blessing.  We did and then he just went and hugged his dad until the time came for the baptism.  He then had a really hard time getting into the water.  He conquered his fear and with the help of his loving father he got into the font.  He then was having a hard time now realizing that he was going under the water.  He did not want his dad to let him go.  The father then held his son close and whispered comforting words to his almost histeric son.  I just couldnt help but feel the love in that building and remember the many times that you have given me advice and whispered words of comfort to me in times of struggle.  The son then allowed us to open the curtains to the font to start.  The father as he pronounced the prayer was really feeling the Spirit and almost couldn't finish the prayer.  He did so and helped his son perform the first of many ordinances in his life.  The curtains closed and there was just a moment of love and affection for one another as they held each other smiling, crying, hugging, consoling.  I lost it.  (I'm losing it now as I write this).  It was such a wonderful experience and made me reflect on how much I love and miss my father....  I love you so much and am so happy for the example that you have set for me.  I'm so grateful for your love and for your support.  I miss you and I wish I had told you more at home that I love you."
Jahir Alejandro Sevilla Rodriguez
What a wonderful experience for all of us!!!  We love you Collin!
As for his birthday celebration:
"I was able to celebrate my birthday with that family the day of the baptism.  The family had found a store that sold american cuts of meat and bought me 1 Kilo of Ribeye!!!!!  WOW!!!!!  I was so overwhelmed and full as I ate that marvelous meat.  hahahahahaha  I am now going to make the cake that you sent me with a family.  I'll send you pics and vids of that next week."
Elder Williams in his "birthday suit!"
Elder Williams does have a new companion now.  He had to return Elder Vega to Guadalajara for his first transfer in 9 months!
Goodbye Elder Vega!  We will miss that bright smile!

"My new comp is from my generation.  We are co-Sr. comps.  The trip to Guad was good.  My new comps name is Elder Montaño.  He seems really cool and he loves all sports.  Good sign.  He is from Pachuca.  We have a goal date for the Brother in law of Jahir for the 31st.  We hope that he can come to church and keep those blasted earrings out of his head.  I am still using the bunk bed but I'm using the top bunk for my "dresser".  My comp was pretty excited to use the loft so I let him have it. "

Well, it was an eventful week!  Birthday, Baptisms, Transfers...  Next week will seem awfully boring!  See you at the same time next week!

Mommy Williams

1 comment:

  1. What a fantastic missionary birthday. Cake, beef, and best of all a baptism! :-) I love it! So glad you started this blog! I love missionary letters.
