Tuesday, August 6, 2013

weekly update 8-5-13

This week seems to be going better!  We even got pictures!  Elder Williams' Birthday is August 18th!  Let's bombard him with emails on that Sunday!  Just put Happy Birthday in the subject line and hopefully he will get lots of Birthday wishes.  If you have some how misplaced his email it is


Here is an update from Elder Williams:

I am having a tough time and I know that I will become stronger by this mission.  Thank you so much for your love and supportive words.  I am feeling the love of God and am learning of the forgiving power that He is willing to give to all of us.  I am so happy that I have been able to feel that love and I know that I can be that strong man He wants me to be.  

Elder Vega and I are doing really well.  We really like being companions and even though he wants out of this area(being here for 9 months now) he wants to still be comps with me.  That's always a good sign.  We have one new person but we haven't seen her yet.  We have an appointment tomorrow night and she and her daughter want to listen to us.

The reactivating is becoming a pain.  Elder Vega has gone with these people for at least half his time here and they won't budge.  We are trying to teach them something different, using FHE's, Scriptures from the BOM that will help them but nothing.... (SO FAR?) 

The branch is great and they are taking great care of us.

I hope that I can get my package next week or possibly the week after that.  We have Zone Class next Tuesday, Changes on my Bday, and possibly Zone Conference the week of my Bday.  I love you!

Pictures from Elder Williams:
This was a FHE that we did with this amazing family.  They are always willing to help us out with washing machine, food, taking Elder Vega to the Dr, etc.  We decided to give them an awards ceremony.

My last pair of shoes now down for the count.... I bought new ones this week and they have a much bigger sole and better last me at least the rest of my mission.

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