Tuesday, April 1, 2014

week of 4-1-14

Happy April Fools Day!!!!  But this blog is no joke.  Elder Williams is doing well and he didn't try to fool us with anything!!  Thank goodness!  You will see from pictures and his own words that things are going well in Vallarta and are beautiful!!!

"Vallarta is awesome.  We have so many restaurants here that it's torture.  We are trying to see all the cool things Vallarta has to offer and stay with in a budget and mission rules.  We are thinking of going to eat once a month at a restaurant like Chili's, Outback, or some seafood joint on the pier but we still need to check out all the things that surround us to see if there is anything else we want to do as a district or companionship.  Our investigators are doing alright.  We had Guadalupe who had a baptismal date for the 26th but she couldn't come to church yesterday because she had an interview that morning....  So we are going to have to postpone that date another week.  May 3.  Really hoping that her and her daughter will go to church and be able to enjoy of this Gospel together.  Her daughter is actually really interested in the BoM and is starting to read it.  Really excited about that.  I also had a rare chance to "preach" in English.  I say "preach" because I really couldn't talk to this man.  I was trying to remember how to teach the Gospel in English and I was having a really hard time remembering the terms.  I then realized that I never had the opportunity to teach with the missionaries in English EVER.  I kinda regret that now...  I was truly thrown for a loop.  Kinda different but he is not here anymore.  Went back to the US."

part of the cruise ship harbor!

very big hotels....tourists!

another beautiful spot!

"I'm really enjoying Vallarta.  I did get burned as I did service on the roof of an investigator.  It hurt for a day or two but now I'm just more tan.  WOOO!!!  I've been putting sunblock on but it just sweats right out...  Kinda gross I know but it's what happens here.  I sweat a ton!!!!  Hopefully that will help me lose some weight?  I am going to ask my comp about some exercises I can do to drop the pounds.  And the gut...."

We had to scrape and paint this wall!

helping hands!

This is how weeding is done in Vallarta - with a machete!

"I am starting to see that the mission is also asking us to buy new things.  Last week I had to buy a new satchel because the new rule.  We can't use backpacks anymore because they make us look like students and more likely to be mugged or something so we need to have the satchels to look more professional."

District Elders working on their numbers sheet during P-day!

"I'm very grateful for this chance to be working with the people of Vallarta.  We are seeing many changes in the lives of the members as they try to help the work of the Lord progress.  Please try to do your part in this work.  Give referrals to the missionaries.  Go on lessons with them.  Give them a meal when you can.  Invite them for water or something when you see them.  Share your testimony with someone who is going through a hard time and look for non-members everywhere so that you can help the Lord touch their hearts.  Keep being great examples of a family in the true Gospel.  I love you so much and I can't wait to see you again in 1 month."

As you can see and read, Elder Williams has a growing testimony of the gospel and a love for the people of Mexico!  We can't wait till we skype with him on Mother's Day! Till next week.... Keep Elder Williams in your prayers and Guadalupe!  Love you all!

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