Monday, March 24, 2014

week 3-24-14

First a shout out to Opa Burns!!!  He is 66 and going strong!!!  Elder Williams also wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday!!

A goodbye from Autlan!!!!
The people of Autlan
 Love the FES!! (Frog Eye Salad)

Elder Derbez, Gaby, Gloria, Sis. Teresa Larios(who speaks English and lived in Vegas for about 20 yrs.), Bro. Juan Nuñez, Bro. Marcelino Ramos(who was baptized in California), and me!

Sister Galarza and son Ruben

Sister Guerra and her grandkids

Finally an update from Elder Williams about his new area PUERTO VALLARTA!

"I am LOVING life right now.  I'm starting to notice that the Vallarta sun doesn't burn as much as I thought.  It is actually helping me with a bit of a tan!!!!!  LOVIN' IT!!!!"

"My house is huge!!!  We have a washing machine!!!!  no dryer but can't have it all, right?  We live a block away from a recent convert who is very nice and her husband is teaching us guitar in exchange for English lessons.  I was given a guitar as a going away gift in Autlan and it's so gorgeous.  Today he taught us how to play the beginning part of "Pretty Woman" and pretty much the whole song/rhythm of "Stand By Me".  It's really cool to know that I can do that even without very flexible fingers.  hahahahaha.  The fingers that wouldn't play the piao are now playing the guitar.  The husband is not a member, however, but we are trying to fix that."

New Companion - Elder Poblete!
  "He is from a little town in Veracruz called Minatitlan.  Look it up.  hahahaha."
Gift Guitar!

The Study!

 The new house!!!

Dining room



living room!!!

No bedroom pics (says it is too boring)!

 "The work is going great in Vallarta.  We have three investigators that have a baptismal date for ends of April and beginning of May.  We are really happy because all of them are referrals from the members which NEVER happened in Autlan.  One is named Guadalupe.  She has a date for the 26th of April and she came to church, participated in the Doctrine Principles class, and said she really liked church.  She also wants her daughters to know more about the church.  She is divorced and was abused by her husband.  She is really liking the peace that she feels as we teach her.  It's such a great thing to see the progress of someone as they hold to the Gospel.  She even said the closing prayer in our first lesson!!!!!  We are so excited.  We have 2 others: Vicente and Isidro.  Vicente is a drunk and isn't progressing all that well but he seems to be lowering the amount of alcohol consumed each day.  Isidro is someone who has talked to the missionaries before and enjoyed the guidance the gospel gives to him.  He wants that guidance again and we are excited to help him find it.  He almost got baptized but didn't meet the requirements, he said.  We didn't ask which ones because it was the first appointment and didn't want to force our hands."

"The membership (in Vallarta) is a lot but the attendance yesterday was 73....  We are working on that.  Lots of hurt feelings and judging that happen ALL OVER Mexico.  Still trying to find a way to help overcome that obstacle.  We have 6 missionaries in our district."

Sis. Zarate, Sis. Ford, DL Elder Cervantes, Elder Poblete, me, Elder Arters
"I hope that helped know a little bit about what is going on with my "priviledged" life in Vallarta.  I love you a ton and I hope that you are getting ready for the end of year and of course, SPRING BREAK!!!!  I'm in Vallarta for Spring Break!!!  hahahaha ;P (not like I can do anything....)"

"I've been told that there is one place here in Vallarta that we as missionaries can go and it is quite close to the beach and has an amazing view of the sunset.  We are going there to do some service with a recent convert.  I'll send pics. ;-D"

Sounds like Elder Williams is hitting the ground running!!!!  If this is his last transfer, then he will end his mission well!

All you ladies have a great time at the Women's meeting this Saturday and then General Conference next week end!  What an exciting time to live in!  I can't wait to hear from our wonderful prophet!
Then Easter which helps us remember our wonderful Savior even more!!!!  Spring just brings out wonderful new experiences and new feelings and just new everything!!!  Yes, I do have a bit of Spring fever!!!  Have a great week till next week!!!!

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