Tuesday, March 18, 2014

week of 3-18-14


"Elder Derbez is now in Nuevo Mexico Estaca Lomas (my first stake) and that means that I am still here in Autlan, right?  WRONG!!!!!!!  I got transferred too!!!!  YAHOO!!!!  And to the coolest place ever...... wait for iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit.  VALLARTA!!!!!!!!  YEAH BABY!!!!!!!  That's been the highlight of the dull week.  My companion's name is Elder Poblete from Veracruz.  I would send you a pic of everything new but this computer doesn't want me to send anything attached to this."

Autlan to Vallarta - about 4 hours this route!

Frog Eye Salad Review in Autlan!

The "last supper" that Elder Williams made for his wonderful ward in Autlan was Mommy's Frog Eye Salad (lovingly called FES).  I sent him some Acini de Pepe noodles in his last care package because the last time he tried to make it he had to cut up spaghetti noodles for it.  Now with the real ingredients, he had enough to share!  As you can tell from the picture...it got rave reviews!!!

Now Elder Williams has a whole new city to experience in Puerto Vallarta.  It is a huge tourist town (darn, we might actually have to take a trip there now!!!).  We will have to see if Omi has a time share in this one.  Too bad Elder Williams won't be able to enjoy all the beautiful beaches there.  But it seems that there are a lot of Mayan pyramids and history there that might really be part of the Book of Mormon writings.  We were reading this morning, the part of the Book of Mormon about Ammon when he met King Lamoni.  It really struck me that Elder Williams is serving the people of the Book of Mormon.

Like Ammon, the missionary attitude should be to “desire to dwell among this people for a time; yea, and perhaps until the day [you] die.” 

"Increased faith is the goal for our mission too.  Supposedly the reason we haven't had very many baptisms in Mexico is because we don't have enough faith as missionaries.  It's kind of a good point and so that is what the majority of the Zone Conferences have been about.  How we can increase our faith?  And faith leads to actions and actions lead to results.  We are seeing miracles happen all over the mission (just not around me) and we are hoping to start baptizing every week from April on, a ton."

Zone Conference Picture (last one in Manzanillo) March 2014

Please help Elder Williams and the other missionaries see some great miracles!  Pray that they may find those that are seeking.  That they will be led to those that want to know Christ!  We will be talking Elder Williams in about 1 1/2 months and then he will be homeward bound.  He should be finding out his release date pretty soon.  

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