Monday, March 10, 2014

week of 3-10-14

This is a rather quick one.  Elder Williams is in Manzanillo.  Here is how his last week went:

This week we had some good things happen and some interesting things happen but I should just stick to the good.  We were able to put a baptismal date for one of our new investigators.  She is a mom of 2 girls (21 and 9) and her husband.  She is "catholic" like everyone here but she is very loving and open to everything.  She is really interested in the Book of Mormon and is excited to read it.  She didn't come to church this week but we have a lesson scheduled with her this week and she promised to do a lot of reading.  We have her in our prayers.  Her name is Claudia.  We also had Sister Sevilla at church this Sunday.  I almost passed out.  It was so great to see her there again but she was just missing her "boys".  We hope that next week they all can come.  This being the last week of changes is really kinda "killing" me.  We also had Elder Lines and Elder Yañez go home for medical problems these past weeks.  Elder Lines had something wrong with his skull formation and Elder Yañez' meniscus is all screwed up.  They both will have surgery and Elder Lines who only had 5 months left on his mission just ended his service...  It kinda makes me a bit trunky seeing so many people leaving and going home, especially in this time of Nationals but I'll get over it.  I was also getting a little worried because when I got the news about Elder Yañez and his knee and being sent home that night as we were "running" home to get there on time, the outside of my left knee was giving me problems.  I hope it's just sympathy pains.  I really don't want to have an LCL problem right about now.  That would just ruin plans left and right.  But who knows if that happens the recovery time would be a few months and I'd be back in time for the school year ;P  JK.  I'll keep my eye on it.  

I love you all and I can't wait to see and hear all the great stuff that's going to happen this week.  MISS YA!!!!

Elder Williams

P.S. I have vids and pics of the FES and the members but I can't send them at this CyberNet.  I'm in Manzanillo right now.  Loves
Sounds like next week we will see some pics!  Keep Claudia and Seville's in your prayers!

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