Sunday, March 2, 2014

week of 2-24-14

Just a quick note from Elder Williams from last week.  I am slow getting this done this week.  I am heading into major competition season and don't have as much time each night as I have 43 students to get ready for state and national titles in the next two weeks. It gets kind of crazy!

"This week we had our zone conference with the Prez and it was really powerful.  He told us that the Plan of Salvation is really simple.  If we think about what God has and what we wanted to have in while we were in the premortal life.  Perfect and Glorified body, All power and knowledge through obedience to ALL covenants, eternal family.  WE CAN HAVE ALL THOSE THINGS TOO!!!!!  The way we can have those things is through Obedience to the laws of his Kingdom.  He has all power because he kept all the commandments and gained the blessings from that.  Just like it says in the Section of WoW.  "treasures of knowledge".  That man is such a spiritual giant.  I am waiting to see his face in the Ensign as a 70 some day.  He really has such a great love for Christ and His role is our lives.  He is such a wonderful teacher and example.  I really do appreciate that man a lot.  He has made a great impact in my life.

I love you all so much and I can't wait to hear from you again.

Elder Williams

P.S. Mom, your FES was an absolute HIT!!!!  Everyone that tried it, LOVED IT!!!!  I was asked by so many sisters for the recipe.  Just so you know."
We also got a couple of pics from the mission blog with Elder Williams in them.
Scripture Chase WINNER!!!!

Zone picture 2014

Here is a fun video that Elder Williams got.  To give you an idea of what his travel experience is like.  this is like our street performers, but on the bus.  Captive audience, make some money, and he doesn't sound too bad either!!!!
Well, that is all for now!  Hopefully see you tomorrow for another update!

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