Tuesday, April 15, 2014

week of 4-15-14

This week was a rather short letter.  Hopefully that means that Elder Williams is working HARD!

"So my week was kinda crazy.
Tuesday we had Zone Class and we talked about the importance of the testimony of the Book of Mormon not only in the lives of our investigators but in our lives as we teach about it.  It was a great class and it made me want to strengthen my testimony everyday so that it's a recent testimony that I bear in each lesson.  I challenge all of you to do the same.  If you don't have a testimony of the BoM, gain one by reading and praying day and night.  If you have one, strengthen and confrim it day and night so that your testimony isn't "a few days old".   

Wednesday was kinda fun.  We taught a less active family about chastity and the teenage girl didn't want to listen...  I wonder why...  We also had a DELICIOUS lunch of cordon bleu.  Very yummy.  The biggest accomplishment was that we could talk to Guadalupe and Cassandra about their thoughts on Conference.  They LOVED IT!!!!  So happy.  They also had some questions about the W.O.W. so we decided to teach that.  They have had troubles with alcohol but not anymore.  Cassandra has problems with a black tea mixer that she always buys but she said that she would give it a go this week and see if there are good changes in her life because of it.  YAY!!!  They also came to church and they were taken under the wing of a recent convert.  Very amazing to see the ward being an active part in the Lord's work.   

Thursday was boring.  Just weekly planning and all the lessons fell through but the bright side was the lunch!!!!  Ceviche and for dessert......  BANANA BREAD!!!!!!  can we say trunky?

Friday was a really tough day.  I was feeling really sick and was having stomach pains and diarrhea.  I then got really tired and had body aches.  I asked for a blessing and went to lunch.  Lunch was alfredo and BBQ ribs!!!!  YUMMY!!!  I really toughed it out and then went home early.  I had a fever of 103 and was just having a bad day.  I called Sister Wagner and she told me to rest on Saturday.  We studied and then had a good "spring cleaning" of our house.  Rearranged furniture, organized materials, etc.

Church was great because Guadalupe and Cassandra had a great time there.  But the rest of the day we did nothing because no one is home during this week.  It's Semana Santa, or "Easter", I think, but it's a pain because no one is around to talk to."

Well, we only have a few more weeks before our skype session with Elder Williams... Yeah!!!

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