Monday, April 7, 2014

week of 4-7-14

Well, as I am driving on a bus to California, the bus actually has wifi and I can read my letter from my missionary in Mexico and do the blog!  The wonders of technology!!!!  We have had a rainy week in Utah, but were enlightened by the spirit of General Conference.  So was Elder Williams in Mexico!

"I did get to see all of conference in English and it was a wonderful thing to hear my last General Conference in the mission in my Native Tongue.  It was a very powerful conference. "

"I got my answer to my return date in the talk by Pres. Uchtdorf in Priesthood.  When he read the scripture of "whosoever shall lose his life for my sake..."  I just got a hit in the gut.  I'm finishing my whole mission.  There is still a chance my mission gets cut just because of the new times and arrivals of the newbies but I'm finishing my whole mission and come what may.  I was very enlightened by this conference and have really felt the Spirit."

"I'm so grateful that we have a prophet on the earth today that talks to God and knows what we need to hear in his talks.  I was really taken aback when Pres. Packer(I think) said that he knows God.  I was really stunned and I remembered that they are special witnesses of Him and Jesus Christ.  They are witnesses of the resurrection."
"I know that our Redeemer lives and that He is our Savior and He knows each and every one of us.  I know that he is willing to walk beside us in our challenges because He paid for everything we have ever felt like was said in Conference.  I love Him and I love you."
"Now for my investigators:  Guadalupe is doing really well, along with her daughter, Cassandra.  They both accepted a date for the 10th of May.  They both went to the Sunday AM session!!!  We are really excited to see what they thought about it.  They both have a lot of questions but they are really excited and willing to learn and live.  We also have a new investigator with a baptismal date for the 17th of May.  He's an old investigator and he is really showing signs of change.  He was drinking a lot and that's why they left him.  Now alcohol makes him sick when he goes to drink it.  It was definitely a miracle change in him.  He is noticing a change in himself and felt the Spirit strong in our lesson in the church.  It's been a really cool week and the miracles are showing."
Sounds like all is well with Elder Williams and Puerto Vallarta.  Everybody have a great week and keep Elder Williams in your prayers! 

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