Tuesday, April 22, 2014

week of 4-22-14

This week has pictures!!!!  I LOVE pictures!

"The weather is starting to heat up and it's starting to get very hot and humid.  I'm sweating a bunch and it's starting to show that I'm losing a few pounds.  I'm staying hydrated and and drinking lots of water and gatorade."

Look at that VIEW!!!!!
Puerta Vallarta
That ocean goes on forever!!!

This settles it... we have to find a way to get back to Collin's mission!

"Guadalupe and Cassandra are doing really good.  We had a great FHE with a bunch of strong members and we watched the Restoration and Guadalupe was very intrigued.  Cassandra is a very logical person.  She has a lot of doubts and she has a bunch of questions but she wants to learn and experience the Gospel.  It's very interesting to see her work things out.  We found a new investigator and he is so golden.  His name is Ivan and he is ready and willing to accept the Gospel.  He even accepted a date for baptism on the first appointment.  We are really excited for him.  He is also willing to go to the church for our next lesson.  He is so willing and WANTING to do so many things.  That's really rare.  That people want to do things to come closer to the truth and they feel the need to do that so fast."

Besides working hard, Elder Williams and the Vallarta Zone also have some fun! 

I really hope you are going to share that!!

Ok I see two spoons and Elder Poblete!  Good idea Elders!

Then the Zone has a picture scavenger hunt!  Looks like soooo much fun!

Bag on a missionary? (there's a double meaning in that!)

Poster of Kommodor?????
Sombreros and Taxis?
 Who came up with these?????
Typical Mexican alley dog?

At least the dog isn't chasing them!  Do dogs in Mexico chase mail carriers and missionaries?

A Yaka Tree...What in the world is a Yaka????

Are those just huge Avocados???
Looks like we need to do some research!

Looks like Vallarta is a great place for Elder Williams.  Hope you enjoyed this wonderful week!  Hope you had a fantastic Easter and remembering the wonderful gift of the Atonement by our Savior Jesus Christ.

If you haven't seen this fantastic Easter video, click here: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

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