Tuesday, September 2, 2014

The homecoming

Well, here it is!  The final blog for Elder Williams...

Here are some pics from the mission home:

The final transfer!

The only three American's are the white boys!  Quinten, Farmer and Williams.  They were together in the MTC and stayed till the end!  Quinten and Williams even came home all the way to SLC together.  We had a great time getting to know the Quinten family at the airport as we both waited for our missionaries to come home.

 I am not sure what this dinner is, but it sure looks yummy!
Obviously it is very yummy, this is what happened when it was announced that there were seconds available!  Look who is at the front of the line!!!

sock contest

I don't think this is Elder Williams' sock, but I am sure it isn't far off!
shoe contest

Again I don't think these are specifically Elder Williams shoes, but the top parts sure looks like what he showed us.

Off to the airport!

The family takes off to got to the airport...

Grandparents and Brennin waiting for arrival.

Grandparents waiting and talking together.
The grandparents were to be the sign holder helpers and the photographers!

Brennin was just running off energy as usual!

Sister Quinten in the green sweater.

It was great to meet the Quinten family!  Elder Quinten lives in Price, UT, but we sure hope he and Elder Williams still keep in touch and maybe even get together a few times.

It's almost time!  Roll out the banner!!!

We had three banners:
1. Bienvenidos
2. Chinese Welcome Home (Brennin's)
3. We love EWILL!

Two Moms run for it.
Finally in Mom's arms!!!!!

I saw Elder Williams as he was coming down the hallway and started to run for him.  Then I realized (and heard the guard say) there was a red line and "No Entry" sign.  I had to stop at the red line and wait for Elder Williams to come to me!

It was so great to hug our sons!!!!!

Hey there still little brother!
 A hug for Brennin!

Who is this big guy?????

Reuniting with Garrin...who has grown and changed the most!

Talking with the Grandparents!

Two missionaries finally HOME!
We talked and hugged so long that the luggage was taken off the carousel. 

A captive audience! (notice there are NO more people anywhere behind the boys!)

First meal in the USA!

We had to stop off at Leatherby's to eat!  Can't pass up the fries, fry sauce, chicken fingers and ice cream!

FRY SAUCE!  (Much better than hot sauce!)

Welcome Home Banner!!!!
What is he doing???

The first thing Collin did was take off his shoes and scream, "CARPET"!  This was the first time in two years that he has had carpet instead of dirt and tile.  
wonderful carpet!

Just enjoying life's little pleasures!

Still trying to get the welcome video from one phone to the other and onto the blog!  Will have to do an update in a while.  Going shopping!!!!

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Last week on the mission

Well, here it is, the last letter from Elder Williams!  We are all freaking out here at home!!!!!!  I will publish one more blog after this week's letter for all of you to see his homecoming pictures, but then we are done!  Oh, my, I can't believe it has really been two years!

Elder Williams wrote us Monday around 5:00 PM and we happened to be on line.  So after we read his email, we got to "chat" with him a few times on line.  He was being his crazy self and this is what we got from him...

"Today I twisted my ankle really bad....  It hurts a lot right now and just sitting down is not helping either.  I was playing soccer this morning like in every morning with the bishop, his sons, YM president, the other elders, and some youth.  We were in the ruck of things and I being my competitive self didn't want to lose and their best player was shooting.  So I stuck my foot out just trying to block it but I stepped too late and instead stepped on the ball and rolled my ankle in between the ball and about 3 other feet, scrapped my knee on the concrete and smashed my face into Elder Quinton's knee.  Just a bunch of bad luck."

Wouldn't you know that he would have to get one last injury before he leaves....

"[This week] I've got to do divisions with the other Elders in my district, I have a Mission Tour with Elder Peiper of the Area Presidency on Friday, and Sunday I head to Guad after a 10 minute talk that the bishop just assigned to me today.  hahahaha.  It's kinda a full week of not getting trunky...? 
I go to Tepic for the Mission Tour with the President of the Area Presidency.  The tour is three zones get together and get a conference with the GA.  The same happened with Elder Johnson about 6-9 months ago.  The whole mission does it but in the span of 3 days.  The purpose is to get a chance to hear from a GA and to gain extra knowledge.  I haven't gotten a topic for my talk yet so I'll be asking tonight or some time this week. hahahaha"

As you can see this week is really busy for Elder Williams as he is closing out his mission.

"I just can't wait to be back home and to be with you all again.  It's been too long.  I love you all so much and it will be great to be with you after such an incredible experience.  Here's my testimony and I love you so much.  Can't wait to see you in 6 days!!!!"

And of course we HAVE to finish with Elder Williams' testimony:

"I'm really glad that I had this opportunity to serve my Savior.  I really love this chance to help as many people as the Lord has put in my path.  My testimony of the Atonement has grown so much.  I really appreciate all that Jesus Christ has done for me and everyone in this world.  The leaders that I've had have helped me so much in how I can get better.  I have learned so much from my leaders and from some of the members that give some great advice.  I'm really in love with these people and their culture.  They have really grown on me.  The Lord has shown me some great things about myself and shown me some great potential.  It does for everyone I've met and I know it happens to all the missionaries that enter this wonderful work.  The chance to teach the Gospel to someone who hasn't heard about it is a great blessing. Then to see those people change and receive an answer to their prayers that this church is true really softens your heart.  I will miss it a lot but at the same time I'm ready to be home.  I hope that everyone will really study PMG so that they know how they can fully help those that are put in their paths. "

See you all in 6 days at the airport!!!!!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

week of 8-19-14

Well, I hope you all swamped Elder Williams with warm birthday wishes.  He is now officially 21!  What a man!  And to top it all off he has a little birthday surprise this past week end.

"I am feeling really kinda conflicted right now.  I am happy that I turned 21 but sad that I'm not with you.  I also am super happy because.... wait for it........ GUADALUPE GOT BAPTIZED!!!!!!!  YAY!!!!  I was so shocked!!!!!  We just had a normal lesson on Thursday and she came up to us and said, "I wanna get baptized this Sat."  Uh, WHA....?!?!?!?!  STUNNED!!!  It was a complete surprise.  We did the interview and then she was ready to get dunked.  It was amazing.  So great to see that she wanted to change.  I was so honored to be the one to baptize and confirm her.  It was amazing.  Here's the pics of her baptism.

Cassandra, Guadalupe, Elder Williams, Elder Lagunas, ?

Very happy missionary!

Also, this is the "penultimate" week of Elder Williams' mission.  Only 13 more days left until he is home again.  I am sure he is having mixed feelings right now.  He has worked hard, had a very successful mission and he doesn't know if he really wants to leave, but knows there are things waiting for him here, too.

"Vallarta is really hot and humid.  I have never sweat so much in my life.  I just hope that doesn't follow me home.

How do you think your mission has changed you?
"I am really shocked with how much I have adapted to what life throws at me.  It's been a bit overwhelming with some things but I'm getting over them pretty fast.

Who was your best companion and why?
"My best companion was Elder Vega y Elder MontaƱo.  I am really happy that they helped me be the best I can be.  I'm really glad that they have been with me.  I'm really happy that they are part of my life."

If you had to pick your favorite area of your mission, where would it be?  Why?   Which is the one that you've had the most success?  Which area did you learn the most in (about yourself, others, the gospel, etc.)?
"My favorite area would be Autlan or Residencial.  I really loved those areas a ton.  They really loved me and I loved them too.  The most success was in Residencial when I had 5 or 6 baptisms and here because I've helped out the ward with ward lists and some baptisms and some re-activations.  I've learned a lot in every area.  It's tough to try and think of only one."

Chris also got a very special message from Elder Williams' "Mexican Omi"on Facebook.  She loves our Elder soooo much.  And even though he is now miles away and will be further miles away, she still thinks about him and what a great man he is!  "I know you are very happy because your son will be returning very soon from his mission. Also tell him that we miss him a lot and we love him.  When he gets home give him a huge hug from me."

We know that we will get one more letter from Elder Williams and then he will be home with us once more...

"I really can't wait to get home to be with you guys again.  I really love you and I love that you are so loving and happy for me to be back.  I really can't wait.  It's been too long.  I love you so much and I miss you especially today.  I can't wait to party with you guys again."
A celebration of some kind at the zone conference...let it ride till Sept. 1st!

Monday, August 11, 2014

week of 8-11-14

This is Elder Williams' last Zone conference!  Here is the picture of the zone:

What a fun zone!!!!

And the traditional Birthday pictures...  Which reminds me... EVERYBODY FLOOD ELDER WILLIAMS EMAIL WITH BIRTHDAY WISHES!!!!!!!!  His birthday is next Monday, August 18th!

Oh, man, Elder Williams.... you moved... now you are all blurry!

Well, as we wind down to the last 3 weeks of Elder Williams' mission we are going to start asking him all kinds of special questions.  If there are any you would specifically like to know something, put your two cents worth in!  Of course we will ask him to bear his testimony!

See you next week!

Monday, August 4, 2014

week of 8-4-14

Wow, what a week for Elder Williams!  He got a great surprise when one of the most well known and loved pianists came to visit Mexico.  And whose ward does he just happened to end up in...Vallarta!!!
Yes, here is a picture of Elder Williams with JON SCHMIDT!

Ward Missionaries with Jon and Michelle Schmidt!

Jon Schmidt with missionaries and Brother Riccardo!

And even a very little clip of part of this "fabuloso" concert:

                                                                  27 seconds of "All of Me".

Two of Elder Williams old team buddies (Elder Holman and Elder Bichsel) just arrived at the Mexico MTC and they say that it is "monsoon" season in Mexico.  They are having torrential down pours in Mexico City.  Here is the weather report from Vallarta:

"It's been pretty crazy with the weather here.  Sometimes I feel like I'm in Utah with the bipolar weather. "

We asked Elder Williams some questions to help him reflect on his mission.  When asked what his favorite food was here is what we got...

"My favorite meal is Carne en Su Jugo."  (What in the world is that!?)  So off we go to "Google"!

  Beef and Bacon Soup!

It sounds extremely delicious!  Almost reminds me of "Chile"!

"I'm still kinda struggling with my knees and one ankle.  I'll ask for a blessing tomorrow in our district class.  I really hope that they won't give me issues."  Let's all keep Elder Williams' health in our prayers! But as you can see in the next pictures, those struggles don't keep him from having fun with member friends:

Sister Paty

A farewell to a friend!

Rat Tail Fights????

You can see who has the upper hand here!
It's all good?

It's all good!!!!

"I have to fly right now.  Sorry [this] was so short but I have to get an activity all set up for tonight.  I would usually have more time but tonight I'm a bit rushed.  I miss you and I love you a ton!!!!  29 Days left!!!! "

Thursday, July 31, 2014

week of 7-28-14

Sorry this is a little late.  (and kind of short!)  Kind of a weird week here at home.  Elder Williams is doing fine.  Getting anxious to come home and leave at the same time.  We finally got his itinerary (I had to call and ask for it AGAIN!).  He will be arriving at 4:30 PM on September 1st!!!!!!  Soooo, excited!  We are hoping to have mainly family at the airport and then friends at the house.  We will post on facebook what times will be what.  We have to get him released and stuff, too!  I can't believe it is only 33 more days!!!! :-)  :-)  :-)  :-)  :-)

"My companion is doing good.  He's really trying to push some of my buttons but I'm enduring.  My companion is having some fun giving me a hard time about being "dead".  It's kinda annoying but I'll deal with it.   Cassandra is now ward missionary and Lupe is not going to be baptized because she's still with her BF.  Our investigators didn't come to church yesterday...  We are kinda sad about that."

" It's getting hot and humid here too.  I'm sweating a lot lately and I hope that I'm dropping weight as that happens.   I'm doing good and I'm feeling healthy.  My knee gave me a bit of problems this morning and my wrist is starting to hurt when it gets cold like in the AC...  I'm kinda scared that it's an injury that happened in Autlan. "

"I miss you a ton and I love you.  Can't wait to be with you again."

In 33 days!!!!!!

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

week of 7-20-14 (6 weeks left)

The new Vallarta district with Elder Lagunas!  Well, it looks like he is smiling, that is a good sign!
"My companion is really different from Elder Poblete.  He really likes to talk!!!! But just when we are in the street.  He is really quiet in the lessons.  We are starting to work a bit better.  I'm really starting to get a feel for the way he teaches but it's gonna take some time."

"I am really having a fun time seeing the investigators of the others missionaries and to see the progress and the testimony of the converts.  I was really happy to see them step onto the right path.  I'm starting to realize that I have so little time.  I'm really kinda having a few scares with how little time I have to do as much work as I can.  I'm really trying to do all I can to finish strong and to make everyone proud." (side note: look at Elder Williams' sentence structure...even in English he is sounding like he is speaking Spanish!)

"Nancy couldn't go to church here because she was in Manzanillo.  But she is wanting to continue and she is still really happy to learn and complete with commitments.  Lupe and Cass went to church and Cass is a ward missionary!!!!!  So cool!!!  Lupe is still trying to work towards baptism and we are going to see her and see if she is ready still. "

Elder Quentin (on the far left) was with Elder Williams at the MTC!
This picture is from the mission blog during interviews (and picking up Elder Lagunas).  Chris says that Elder Quentin looks like he has a Mexi-stache!  If his day was as long as Elder Williams was that day I can totally see why! 

Well, as you can see, Elder Williams is holding strong!  42 days left and still waiting for an official itinerary!  Have another great week!