Tuesday, July 22, 2014

week of 7-20-14 (6 weeks left)

The new Vallarta district with Elder Lagunas!  Well, it looks like he is smiling, that is a good sign!
"My companion is really different from Elder Poblete.  He really likes to talk!!!! But just when we are in the street.  He is really quiet in the lessons.  We are starting to work a bit better.  I'm really starting to get a feel for the way he teaches but it's gonna take some time."

"I am really having a fun time seeing the investigators of the others missionaries and to see the progress and the testimony of the converts.  I was really happy to see them step onto the right path.  I'm starting to realize that I have so little time.  I'm really kinda having a few scares with how little time I have to do as much work as I can.  I'm really trying to do all I can to finish strong and to make everyone proud." (side note: look at Elder Williams' sentence structure...even in English he is sounding like he is speaking Spanish!)

"Nancy couldn't go to church here because she was in Manzanillo.  But she is wanting to continue and she is still really happy to learn and complete with commitments.  Lupe and Cass went to church and Cass is a ward missionary!!!!!  So cool!!!  Lupe is still trying to work towards baptism and we are going to see her and see if she is ready still. "

Elder Quentin (on the far left) was with Elder Williams at the MTC!
This picture is from the mission blog during interviews (and picking up Elder Lagunas).  Chris says that Elder Quentin looks like he has a Mexi-stache!  If his day was as long as Elder Williams was that day I can totally see why! 

Well, as you can see, Elder Williams is holding strong!  42 days left and still waiting for an official itinerary!  Have another great week!

1 comment:

  1. Just wait until he gets home and is speaking with a Mexican accent! Eldon TOTALLY has a Portuguese accent and still has trouble sometimes finding the right English words. It is fun!

    Elder Williams, before you know it, you will be home. ENJOY this last transfer and work, work, work. Leave it all in the pool, as we say in our family!
