Monday, July 7, 2014

week of 6-7-14

We have started an official countdown chain!  As of today there are 55 days till Elder Williams returns home!  (No we are not excited at all!)

We even have it color coded!
Not much from Elder Williams this week.  We updated him on all that is happening in the family and he says to tell you all that he will keep you in his prayers!  He loves you all and knows that the Lord will watch over and comfort you!

"I really hope that everything is OK with Michael.  I can't wait to here about him.  I will keep him in my prayers too.  I really hope it's nothing too serious and that he can recover quickly.  I'm glad that Tyler is going to be OK.  
So the [homecoming talk] schedule is already set.  (It will be Sept. 28th!)  I can't believe that you are already making a chain for my homecoming date.  You are killing me off, eh?"

"I have been feeling sick too.  I am kinda hit with a flu or something and I have been coughing a lot for the last 4 days.  It's not all that fun.  I've been feeling kinda lousy these few days and it's not all that great preaching with a cough and with almost no voice... My knees are just going alright.  I can't tell if they are 100% yet or not."

"The LA's are doing well and we actually had a whole family of LA's go to church to have someone bless their grandson.  It was very good to see them there.  Also Guadalupe went to church even though she has been having signs of Dengue [fever].  That was a great sign of strength for us.  Baptisms aren't for another month.  I love you so much and I can't wait to see you again."

Hope you all had a GREAT 4th of July celebration! 

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