Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Last week on the mission

Well, here it is, the last letter from Elder Williams!  We are all freaking out here at home!!!!!!  I will publish one more blog after this week's letter for all of you to see his homecoming pictures, but then we are done!  Oh, my, I can't believe it has really been two years!

Elder Williams wrote us Monday around 5:00 PM and we happened to be on line.  So after we read his email, we got to "chat" with him a few times on line.  He was being his crazy self and this is what we got from him...

"Today I twisted my ankle really bad....  It hurts a lot right now and just sitting down is not helping either.  I was playing soccer this morning like in every morning with the bishop, his sons, YM president, the other elders, and some youth.  We were in the ruck of things and I being my competitive self didn't want to lose and their best player was shooting.  So I stuck my foot out just trying to block it but I stepped too late and instead stepped on the ball and rolled my ankle in between the ball and about 3 other feet, scrapped my knee on the concrete and smashed my face into Elder Quinton's knee.  Just a bunch of bad luck."

Wouldn't you know that he would have to get one last injury before he leaves....

"[This week] I've got to do divisions with the other Elders in my district, I have a Mission Tour with Elder Peiper of the Area Presidency on Friday, and Sunday I head to Guad after a 10 minute talk that the bishop just assigned to me today.  hahahaha.  It's kinda a full week of not getting trunky...? 
I go to Tepic for the Mission Tour with the President of the Area Presidency.  The tour is three zones get together and get a conference with the GA.  The same happened with Elder Johnson about 6-9 months ago.  The whole mission does it but in the span of 3 days.  The purpose is to get a chance to hear from a GA and to gain extra knowledge.  I haven't gotten a topic for my talk yet so I'll be asking tonight or some time this week. hahahaha"

As you can see this week is really busy for Elder Williams as he is closing out his mission.

"I just can't wait to be back home and to be with you all again.  It's been too long.  I love you all so much and it will be great to be with you after such an incredible experience.  Here's my testimony and I love you so much.  Can't wait to see you in 6 days!!!!"

And of course we HAVE to finish with Elder Williams' testimony:

"I'm really glad that I had this opportunity to serve my Savior.  I really love this chance to help as many people as the Lord has put in my path.  My testimony of the Atonement has grown so much.  I really appreciate all that Jesus Christ has done for me and everyone in this world.  The leaders that I've had have helped me so much in how I can get better.  I have learned so much from my leaders and from some of the members that give some great advice.  I'm really in love with these people and their culture.  They have really grown on me.  The Lord has shown me some great things about myself and shown me some great potential.  It does for everyone I've met and I know it happens to all the missionaries that enter this wonderful work.  The chance to teach the Gospel to someone who hasn't heard about it is a great blessing. Then to see those people change and receive an answer to their prayers that this church is true really softens your heart.  I will miss it a lot but at the same time I'm ready to be home.  I hope that everyone will really study PMG so that they know how they can fully help those that are put in their paths. "

See you all in 6 days at the airport!!!!!

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