Monday, August 4, 2014

week of 8-4-14

Wow, what a week for Elder Williams!  He got a great surprise when one of the most well known and loved pianists came to visit Mexico.  And whose ward does he just happened to end up in...Vallarta!!!
Yes, here is a picture of Elder Williams with JON SCHMIDT!

Ward Missionaries with Jon and Michelle Schmidt!

Jon Schmidt with missionaries and Brother Riccardo!

And even a very little clip of part of this "fabuloso" concert:

                                                                  27 seconds of "All of Me".

Two of Elder Williams old team buddies (Elder Holman and Elder Bichsel) just arrived at the Mexico MTC and they say that it is "monsoon" season in Mexico.  They are having torrential down pours in Mexico City.  Here is the weather report from Vallarta:

"It's been pretty crazy with the weather here.  Sometimes I feel like I'm in Utah with the bipolar weather. "

We asked Elder Williams some questions to help him reflect on his mission.  When asked what his favorite food was here is what we got...

"My favorite meal is Carne en Su Jugo."  (What in the world is that!?)  So off we go to "Google"!

  Beef and Bacon Soup!

It sounds extremely delicious!  Almost reminds me of "Chile"!

"I'm still kinda struggling with my knees and one ankle.  I'll ask for a blessing tomorrow in our district class.  I really hope that they won't give me issues."  Let's all keep Elder Williams' health in our prayers! But as you can see in the next pictures, those struggles don't keep him from having fun with member friends:

Sister Paty

A farewell to a friend!

Rat Tail Fights????

You can see who has the upper hand here!
It's all good?

It's all good!!!!

"I have to fly right now.  Sorry [this] was so short but I have to get an activity all set up for tonight.  I would usually have more time but tonight I'm a bit rushed.  I miss you and I love you a ton!!!!  29 Days left!!!! "

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