Wednesday, April 30, 2014

week of 4-30-14

Sorry this is so late!  I am in the middle of concert week and so I have been going crazy just trying to stay sane!  Here is a very short but sweet letter for the week.

Vallarta interviews: Vallarta Zone.
We all know the tallest one is Elder Williams (he looks really good!), then Elder Poblete, but I don't know the name of the other two elders.  We will have to get that from Elder Williams...

"Yes it has been 6 weeks in Vallarta!!!  Time is FLYING!!!!  I can't believe it. I've been here in Vallarta for 6 weeks now and I'll probably be here til I "die".  Transfers are every 6 weeks.   I am still here and I'm still with Elder Poblete.  We are really excited to have another transfer together and to get the investigators that we have that much closer to baptism." (counting on the calendar that means he probably won't be home until Sept 1st!)

After some INCREDIBLE rain here in Utah, little Brennin asked how his big brother was taking the weather there.  This was his response to Brennin:

"It didn't rain in Vallarta but it is getting a tons hotter and more humid.  It should start raining here very soon.  I'm kinda excited to see how it rains on the coast.  Breakfast varies from cereal to pancakes to bagels.  It's really fun here.  We have to come back and have fun on this beautiful beach.  It looks gorgeous." 

Here is his weekly report of what is going on with the work:

"Ivan is doing really great.  He even came to church and participated in the classes.  He also signed up to help with a ward activity for mother's day.  Really cool.  He is really ready to progress.  We had a blast with him.  Lupe and Cassandra didn't come to church so we have to change their date.....  Kinda sad but they are still very willing to learn and to do things.  We found a whole family of girls.  4 daughters and a mom that are willing to listen to us.  It's mostly because the mom wants her daughters to make good choices.  They have a date for the 14th of June.  We are really hoping they progress well."

So, add this new family to your prayers!  And let's make this fast sunday a little special with Cassandra and Lupe!  Have a great week.  One more til we get to talk with Elder Williams!  We are way excited.  I will even try and video part of the skype and post it on the blog!  That will be way cool!  Love you all!  See you next week!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Yaka Fruit research!

The Yaka Fruit or Jackfruit is native to India, but are grown in Mexico!

Jackfruit is not only the largest of the mulberries, it's the largest tree fruit in the world. How big they get varies by authority, but 80 pounds and 3 feet long is a pretty safe number. Those sold in North America generally run between 15 and 25 pounds. The photo specimen was about 18 inches long, weighed 21 pounds and was grown in Mexico.

JackfruitCut Jackfruit
Jackfruit arils
The fruit that you can eat...3 lbs of it!!

week of 4-22-14

This week has pictures!!!!  I LOVE pictures!

"The weather is starting to heat up and it's starting to get very hot and humid.  I'm sweating a bunch and it's starting to show that I'm losing a few pounds.  I'm staying hydrated and and drinking lots of water and gatorade."

Look at that VIEW!!!!!
Puerta Vallarta
That ocean goes on forever!!!

This settles it... we have to find a way to get back to Collin's mission!

"Guadalupe and Cassandra are doing really good.  We had a great FHE with a bunch of strong members and we watched the Restoration and Guadalupe was very intrigued.  Cassandra is a very logical person.  She has a lot of doubts and she has a bunch of questions but she wants to learn and experience the Gospel.  It's very interesting to see her work things out.  We found a new investigator and he is so golden.  His name is Ivan and he is ready and willing to accept the Gospel.  He even accepted a date for baptism on the first appointment.  We are really excited for him.  He is also willing to go to the church for our next lesson.  He is so willing and WANTING to do so many things.  That's really rare.  That people want to do things to come closer to the truth and they feel the need to do that so fast."

Besides working hard, Elder Williams and the Vallarta Zone also have some fun! 

I really hope you are going to share that!!

Ok I see two spoons and Elder Poblete!  Good idea Elders!

Then the Zone has a picture scavenger hunt!  Looks like soooo much fun!

Bag on a missionary? (there's a double meaning in that!)

Poster of Kommodor?????
Sombreros and Taxis?
 Who came up with these?????
Typical Mexican alley dog?

At least the dog isn't chasing them!  Do dogs in Mexico chase mail carriers and missionaries?

A Yaka Tree...What in the world is a Yaka????

Are those just huge Avocados???
Looks like we need to do some research!

Looks like Vallarta is a great place for Elder Williams.  Hope you enjoyed this wonderful week!  Hope you had a fantastic Easter and remembering the wonderful gift of the Atonement by our Savior Jesus Christ.

If you haven't seen this fantastic Easter video, click here: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

week of 4-15-14

This week was a rather short letter.  Hopefully that means that Elder Williams is working HARD!

"So my week was kinda crazy.
Tuesday we had Zone Class and we talked about the importance of the testimony of the Book of Mormon not only in the lives of our investigators but in our lives as we teach about it.  It was a great class and it made me want to strengthen my testimony everyday so that it's a recent testimony that I bear in each lesson.  I challenge all of you to do the same.  If you don't have a testimony of the BoM, gain one by reading and praying day and night.  If you have one, strengthen and confrim it day and night so that your testimony isn't "a few days old".   

Wednesday was kinda fun.  We taught a less active family about chastity and the teenage girl didn't want to listen...  I wonder why...  We also had a DELICIOUS lunch of cordon bleu.  Very yummy.  The biggest accomplishment was that we could talk to Guadalupe and Cassandra about their thoughts on Conference.  They LOVED IT!!!!  So happy.  They also had some questions about the W.O.W. so we decided to teach that.  They have had troubles with alcohol but not anymore.  Cassandra has problems with a black tea mixer that she always buys but she said that she would give it a go this week and see if there are good changes in her life because of it.  YAY!!!  They also came to church and they were taken under the wing of a recent convert.  Very amazing to see the ward being an active part in the Lord's work.   

Thursday was boring.  Just weekly planning and all the lessons fell through but the bright side was the lunch!!!!  Ceviche and for dessert......  BANANA BREAD!!!!!!  can we say trunky?

Friday was a really tough day.  I was feeling really sick and was having stomach pains and diarrhea.  I then got really tired and had body aches.  I asked for a blessing and went to lunch.  Lunch was alfredo and BBQ ribs!!!!  YUMMY!!!  I really toughed it out and then went home early.  I had a fever of 103 and was just having a bad day.  I called Sister Wagner and she told me to rest on Saturday.  We studied and then had a good "spring cleaning" of our house.  Rearranged furniture, organized materials, etc.

Church was great because Guadalupe and Cassandra had a great time there.  But the rest of the day we did nothing because no one is home during this week.  It's Semana Santa, or "Easter", I think, but it's a pain because no one is around to talk to."

Well, we only have a few more weeks before our skype session with Elder Williams... Yeah!!!

Monday, April 7, 2014

week of 4-7-14

Well, as I am driving on a bus to California, the bus actually has wifi and I can read my letter from my missionary in Mexico and do the blog!  The wonders of technology!!!!  We have had a rainy week in Utah, but were enlightened by the spirit of General Conference.  So was Elder Williams in Mexico!

"I did get to see all of conference in English and it was a wonderful thing to hear my last General Conference in the mission in my Native Tongue.  It was a very powerful conference. "

"I got my answer to my return date in the talk by Pres. Uchtdorf in Priesthood.  When he read the scripture of "whosoever shall lose his life for my sake..."  I just got a hit in the gut.  I'm finishing my whole mission.  There is still a chance my mission gets cut just because of the new times and arrivals of the newbies but I'm finishing my whole mission and come what may.  I was very enlightened by this conference and have really felt the Spirit."

"I'm so grateful that we have a prophet on the earth today that talks to God and knows what we need to hear in his talks.  I was really taken aback when Pres. Packer(I think) said that he knows God.  I was really stunned and I remembered that they are special witnesses of Him and Jesus Christ.  They are witnesses of the resurrection."
"I know that our Redeemer lives and that He is our Savior and He knows each and every one of us.  I know that he is willing to walk beside us in our challenges because He paid for everything we have ever felt like was said in Conference.  I love Him and I love you."
"Now for my investigators:  Guadalupe is doing really well, along with her daughter, Cassandra.  They both accepted a date for the 10th of May.  They both went to the Sunday AM session!!!  We are really excited to see what they thought about it.  They both have a lot of questions but they are really excited and willing to learn and live.  We also have a new investigator with a baptismal date for the 17th of May.  He's an old investigator and he is really showing signs of change.  He was drinking a lot and that's why they left him.  Now alcohol makes him sick when he goes to drink it.  It was definitely a miracle change in him.  He is noticing a change in himself and felt the Spirit strong in our lesson in the church.  It's been a really cool week and the miracles are showing."
Sounds like all is well with Elder Williams and Puerto Vallarta.  Everybody have a great week and keep Elder Williams in your prayers! 

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

week of 4-1-14

Happy April Fools Day!!!!  But this blog is no joke.  Elder Williams is doing well and he didn't try to fool us with anything!!  Thank goodness!  You will see from pictures and his own words that things are going well in Vallarta and are beautiful!!!

"Vallarta is awesome.  We have so many restaurants here that it's torture.  We are trying to see all the cool things Vallarta has to offer and stay with in a budget and mission rules.  We are thinking of going to eat once a month at a restaurant like Chili's, Outback, or some seafood joint on the pier but we still need to check out all the things that surround us to see if there is anything else we want to do as a district or companionship.  Our investigators are doing alright.  We had Guadalupe who had a baptismal date for the 26th but she couldn't come to church yesterday because she had an interview that morning....  So we are going to have to postpone that date another week.  May 3.  Really hoping that her and her daughter will go to church and be able to enjoy of this Gospel together.  Her daughter is actually really interested in the BoM and is starting to read it.  Really excited about that.  I also had a rare chance to "preach" in English.  I say "preach" because I really couldn't talk to this man.  I was trying to remember how to teach the Gospel in English and I was having a really hard time remembering the terms.  I then realized that I never had the opportunity to teach with the missionaries in English EVER.  I kinda regret that now...  I was truly thrown for a loop.  Kinda different but he is not here anymore.  Went back to the US."

part of the cruise ship harbor!

very big hotels....tourists!

another beautiful spot!

"I'm really enjoying Vallarta.  I did get burned as I did service on the roof of an investigator.  It hurt for a day or two but now I'm just more tan.  WOOO!!!  I've been putting sunblock on but it just sweats right out...  Kinda gross I know but it's what happens here.  I sweat a ton!!!!  Hopefully that will help me lose some weight?  I am going to ask my comp about some exercises I can do to drop the pounds.  And the gut...."

We had to scrape and paint this wall!

helping hands!

This is how weeding is done in Vallarta - with a machete!

"I am starting to see that the mission is also asking us to buy new things.  Last week I had to buy a new satchel because the new rule.  We can't use backpacks anymore because they make us look like students and more likely to be mugged or something so we need to have the satchels to look more professional."

District Elders working on their numbers sheet during P-day!

"I'm very grateful for this chance to be working with the people of Vallarta.  We are seeing many changes in the lives of the members as they try to help the work of the Lord progress.  Please try to do your part in this work.  Give referrals to the missionaries.  Go on lessons with them.  Give them a meal when you can.  Invite them for water or something when you see them.  Share your testimony with someone who is going through a hard time and look for non-members everywhere so that you can help the Lord touch their hearts.  Keep being great examples of a family in the true Gospel.  I love you so much and I can't wait to see you again in 1 month."

As you can see and read, Elder Williams has a growing testimony of the gospel and a love for the people of Mexico!  We can't wait till we skype with him on Mother's Day! Till next week.... Keep Elder Williams in your prayers and Guadalupe!  Love you all!