Thursday, July 31, 2014

week of 7-28-14

Sorry this is a little late.  (and kind of short!)  Kind of a weird week here at home.  Elder Williams is doing fine.  Getting anxious to come home and leave at the same time.  We finally got his itinerary (I had to call and ask for it AGAIN!).  He will be arriving at 4:30 PM on September 1st!!!!!!  Soooo, excited!  We are hoping to have mainly family at the airport and then friends at the house.  We will post on facebook what times will be what.  We have to get him released and stuff, too!  I can't believe it is only 33 more days!!!! :-)  :-)  :-)  :-)  :-)

"My companion is doing good.  He's really trying to push some of my buttons but I'm enduring.  My companion is having some fun giving me a hard time about being "dead".  It's kinda annoying but I'll deal with it.   Cassandra is now ward missionary and Lupe is not going to be baptized because she's still with her BF.  Our investigators didn't come to church yesterday...  We are kinda sad about that."

" It's getting hot and humid here too.  I'm sweating a lot lately and I hope that I'm dropping weight as that happens.   I'm doing good and I'm feeling healthy.  My knee gave me a bit of problems this morning and my wrist is starting to hurt when it gets cold like in the AC...  I'm kinda scared that it's an injury that happened in Autlan. "

"I miss you a ton and I love you.  Can't wait to be with you again."

In 33 days!!!!!!

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

week of 7-20-14 (6 weeks left)

The new Vallarta district with Elder Lagunas!  Well, it looks like he is smiling, that is a good sign!
"My companion is really different from Elder Poblete.  He really likes to talk!!!! But just when we are in the street.  He is really quiet in the lessons.  We are starting to work a bit better.  I'm really starting to get a feel for the way he teaches but it's gonna take some time."

"I am really having a fun time seeing the investigators of the others missionaries and to see the progress and the testimony of the converts.  I was really happy to see them step onto the right path.  I'm starting to realize that I have so little time.  I'm really kinda having a few scares with how little time I have to do as much work as I can.  I'm really trying to do all I can to finish strong and to make everyone proud." (side note: look at Elder Williams' sentence structure...even in English he is sounding like he is speaking Spanish!)

"Nancy couldn't go to church here because she was in Manzanillo.  But she is wanting to continue and she is still really happy to learn and complete with commitments.  Lupe and Cass went to church and Cass is a ward missionary!!!!!  So cool!!!  Lupe is still trying to work towards baptism and we are going to see her and see if she is ready still. "

Elder Quentin (on the far left) was with Elder Williams at the MTC!
This picture is from the mission blog during interviews (and picking up Elder Lagunas).  Chris says that Elder Quentin looks like he has a Mexi-stache!  If his day was as long as Elder Williams was that day I can totally see why! 

Well, as you can see, Elder Williams is holding strong!  42 days left and still waiting for an official itinerary!  Have another great week!

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

week of 7-14-14

Well, we had to wait an extra day for the letter because Elder Williams had to take Elder Poblete to Quadalajara for transfers.  It was a 5-6 hour bus ride each way.  They didn't get back to Vallarta until 12:30 AM.  I know that Elder Williams is REALLY sad about losing Elder P.!  He and Elder P. were very good friends!  His new companion is Elder Lagunas. 

"He's from Mexico City.  He has 13 months on the mission and he is really.....  serious?  I guess I have to get used to him first.

Hopefully Elder Williams' fun loving personality will rub off on Elder Lagunas.

"My investigators are progressing very nicely.  Nancy is still reading the BoM with her husband and she is ready to be baptized.  She has her date for the 9th.  She is really excited and she is very happy to see her family being blessed.  No new investigators but the husband of Nancy could be a great new investigator when he comes to church.  The hard thing here is that no one is giving us referrals.  We are trying to find [some] but no one gives [us any].....  I'm really excited to be here and to have a blast my last 7 weeks."

Keep Elder Williams in your prayers.  We still don't have an official itinerary, but his official release date is September 1st!  Have a great week!  

Monday, July 7, 2014

week of 6-7-14

We have started an official countdown chain!  As of today there are 55 days till Elder Williams returns home!  (No we are not excited at all!)

We even have it color coded!
Not much from Elder Williams this week.  We updated him on all that is happening in the family and he says to tell you all that he will keep you in his prayers!  He loves you all and knows that the Lord will watch over and comfort you!

"I really hope that everything is OK with Michael.  I can't wait to here about him.  I will keep him in my prayers too.  I really hope it's nothing too serious and that he can recover quickly.  I'm glad that Tyler is going to be OK.  
So the [homecoming talk] schedule is already set.  (It will be Sept. 28th!)  I can't believe that you are already making a chain for my homecoming date.  You are killing me off, eh?"

"I have been feeling sick too.  I am kinda hit with a flu or something and I have been coughing a lot for the last 4 days.  It's not all that fun.  I've been feeling kinda lousy these few days and it's not all that great preaching with a cough and with almost no voice... My knees are just going alright.  I can't tell if they are 100% yet or not."

"The LA's are doing well and we actually had a whole family of LA's go to church to have someone bless their grandson.  It was very good to see them there.  Also Guadalupe went to church even though she has been having signs of Dengue [fever].  That was a great sign of strength for us.  Baptisms aren't for another month.  I love you so much and I can't wait to see you again."

Hope you all had a GREAT 4th of July celebration! 

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

week of 6-30-14

I didn't post anything last week because Elder Williams only wrote like 4 sentences TOTAL in his email.  Needless to say, Mommy was a little miffed!  In this week's letter I told him that was NOT acceptable and we got a little more!  Elder Williams is a District Leader and has many more duties with that calling and so it takes away time from writing letter!!!!!  Hmmmmmm...

"With all these new responsibilities as DL I didn't have much time  [to write] last week.  Plus the internet was super slow like today.  I'm really frustrated with this CyberNet.  But it's the cheapest one and the one that has the most CPU's.  Being DL is a bit crazy especially the Monday's.  I have a lot of Data that I have to put in and print out and such.  I've been having some crazy experiences with trying to keep Elder Romero the newbie to stay here.  I actually had a very powerful spiritual experience with him.  A little about my testimony of the Plan of Salvation.  With my experience with Brady Jensen.  He is now staying.  I've been feeling a lot of pressure to do everything right and I feel a lot of pressure with E. Romero.  I really hope that I can keep this Elder [to] stay strong in the mission.  Still 6 missionaries."

"Elder Poblete is still with me and I think he's sick of me being sick....  I got parasites this week..... hahahahahaha.  But they're all gone now.  hahahaha" (Mom is not laughing!!!!)

"We haven't found any new people to teach but we had all 3 of our investigators at church.  Nancy, Guadalupe, and Ivancito.  They are really progressing.  Keep praying. "

"I did get a phone call from the Secs and they asked me what airport I want to go home to.  hahahahahaha they killed me in that instant.  WOW!!!  So crazy that it's so close.  I will be getting home the first of September." [Only 61 days!]

"I can't wait to see you again.  Oh and just so you know I might be playing the guitar with a hymn as I walk through the terminal singing with Elder Quinton.  We still haven't figured out the bugs yet though.  I love you and I can't wait to get a hug from you again."

As you can see Elder Williams is working hard!  We are finally starting a count down!  For little brother Brennin we are even going to make a chain that he can rip off each day!  Wow, I can't believe it is so close and yet so far away.  We are so proud of Elder Williams in wanting to serve our Heavenly Father!  Some one asked me just the other day, "Are you so excited for him to come home?"  I thought about instead of just answering right away and I answered with, "I am ready for him to be back home!"  It's a Mom thing, but after a certain amount of time away from your children, there is just a time that it feels right to know that it is time for him to be back home!  I wonder if this is the same way our Heavenly Father feels when he knows it is time to call us back home, too!   I can't imagine how Hannah felt in the Old Testament when she gave Samuel to the Lord for his whole life!  We know it is the right thing to do, but we sure miss them and their presence in our home! 

Elder Williams' 21st birthday is August 18!  We are not sending him any packages because he never got his Easter package AND it will most likely not get to him before he leaves anyway AND he would have to pack it all in his suitcase!  So instead we are asking all of you to send him a comment or Happy Birthday email on Sunday the 17th so he will be flooded with birthday messages on his P-day that Monday the 18th!  Include pictures, videos, funny sayings, anything to make this birthday so far from home special!