Tuesday, June 17, 2014

week of 6-17-14

Well, it has been completely rainy and cold here in Utah!  Not a thing like in Vallarta!  But it looks like Elder Williams is keeping himself busy, having fun, and sticking to his new DL duties.

"DL has been fun actually.  The reports at night are just fine and my district is working hard.  I actually had a baptismal interview this Friday and he was a great candidate and he is a great convert of the Lord.  Still 6 missionaries, 2 new missionaries, and I just have to take reports of the missionaries and how they did in the day.  It's really not all that complicated but I'm nervous about the first District Class I will give tomorrow.  I think I'll be ok.  Just nervous in teaching.... "

The "Tube" Experience!
 I have NO idea what this experience is about. We tried to get Elder Williams to tell us while he was on line, but I think he didn't understand our question of WHAT is the tube experience and answered WHEN it happened.  I think he needs a translator from English to Spanish! :-)

But it looks like they are having fun together as a district!

A PET FOX!!! (named "Todd"?)

This is the pet of a Less Active member.  Wow, I guess you can have all kinds of pets in Mexico!  Cool, huh?

"We are having a few more new investigators.  We have a great family that is a Part-member family.  They are 2 kids and their dad.  We are actually focusing on the less actives and usually their family members aren't members.  It's kinda exciting to see that family learning together."

No baptism for Guadelupe... she got back with her abusive boy friend!  Keep her in your prayers so that she can have the courage to get out of such a bad situation!  Of course the FIFA World Cup is going on right now!  

"The World Cup is HUGE!!!!  And right here in the Cyber they have the USA Ghana game!!!!  AWESOME!!!!!  1-0 right now!!!!  YES!!!!"  

I know that Mexico was playing Brazil today (Tuesday) and they were behind 3-0 at one point.  It might not be such a happy day later today!  :-( 

A Potato Cannon made from Pringles cans!
Maybe that is why Elder Williams felt the need to "arm" himself with his own "bazooka"?

Well, we still don't have word about Elder Williams itinerary!  Patience is running thin for this Mom!  I think I will be making phone calls this week.  Let's see your comments on the blog!  Maybe we can get Elder Williams to right some more if you all ask him some questions!

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

week of 6-10-14

Happy Birthday to Brennin today!  We had a great birthday party for him at Chuck E. Cheese's and sent all kinds of video and pictures to big brother so he could share in the celebration!

"Hey Brennin:
Happy Birthday!!!  I miss you and I wish I could be with you on your B-day."

Transfers happened again this week!  Wow, that next 6 weeks went by fast!!!  That means there are only 2 left!!

"This transfer just ended and is starting a new one.  and I'm now District Leader...  yeah crazy.  Elder Poblete is still with me.  I'm glad that he is with me again and he'll help me with this big responsibility.  I'm also very nervous about being DL.  I really don't know what to think about this responsibility.  It's tough because I don't want to screw it up....  I am kinda overwhelmed..."

 "I miss everything at home and I really can't wait to get home but their are so many things here I still can help.  I have 3 months to do so.  I love you all and I can't wait to be with you soon.  3 months!!!"

I asked Elder Williams to share some of his thoughts with us about his best and worst experiences of his mission.  Here is what he said:

"My hardest times have been when my investigators just don't want to progress.  It's really a pain and when I felt like I was doing all I could to help them and they just don't want anything good to happen in their lives....  The best times are seeing the people I have learned to love so much make the decision to change their life for the better.  If that is with less actives or investigators, it's amazing to see the Atonement in their lives."

So, here is one of Elder Williams' good times...

"Guadalupe is having a really hard time with her BF and has decided to dump him and to get baptized this Saturday.  She got a talkin' to by some members yesterday.  It was amazing to see the fellowship that the members are showing her."

Yeah, another baptism picture coming!!!!!

Well, we will have to see what will happen in the last three months of Elder Williams' mission!  Very exciting things we hope!  

We have also found out that he has been placed on the BYU Ballroom Dance Touring Team and will be on the "Standard (Ballroom) Medley Team".  We are excited to see the Lord bless him in so many different ways!

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

week of 6-3-14

I can't believe it is JUNE already!  Wow!  Summer vacation for us and hoping we get some kind of official word of Elder Williams' release date.  This could be a REALLY long summer!

Well, there was a baptism this week end!!!  Cassandra was baptized by Elder Poblete and confirmed by Elder Williams! What a GREAT pair!  And so exciting for Cassandra!!!!!  She looks very beautiful and very happy!!!

"The baptism was really a great success.  She was a bit nervous but she was really happy.  She also asked me to confirm her.  I was kinda scared but also very privileged.  I was very honored."

Lupe, Cassandra, Poblete, Williams

I guess in honor of this baptism, mother nature also decided to join in the fun and baptize the area.  Lots of rain and floods.  Here is a shot outside the Elders' house.

"It has been SOOOOOOO hot here.  It rained so it's even more humid.  I'm sweating so much every time I step outside.  It's kinda gross but oh well.  I think I'm losing weight because of it."

New Experiences:
Coconut Milk???
Are you on a mission or on a vacation?????

Zone conference:
"We had a great testimony meeting but it was during zone conference.  It was great to hear about the many testimony they all have about the Book of Mormon.  It was great to hear the Prez and his testimony of that great book.  It's amazing to see the great changes that people have after reading it.  I love the Book of Mormon.  It's amazing to see the answers we can receive by reading its words."

Elder Williams is 3rd from the right in the back row!

Knees News:

"My knees are doing ok.  They still hurt sometimes but they are getting better.  They don't hurt as much.  I should be all lined up now but we will be checking that this week again.  The member did pretty mucha combination between what Donny used to do to me, Dr. Clark, and a massage therapist.  Really cool and felt really good."

Investigator news:
"Investigators are dwindling.  With Ivan gone and Cassandra baptized, we only have Guadalupe.  That will be our first manner of business this week.  Finding more investigators.  I really don't like having to flail like this but I really want to help these people."

Keep both Elders in your prayers! Lets get knees and investigators up and moving!!!

Stop and write Elder Williams some comments of encouragement to keep him going his last three months!!!