Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Weekly letter 7-22-13

Well, we found out some of the mysterious questions that were flustering many of us...Mainly the bunk bed situation...

Elder Williams has the bunk bed all to himself.  He sleeps on the bottom bunk (the one with the mattress).  His companion has a bed in the loft of the apartment. (That is what the ladder leads to.)  So all of you who offered mattresses to Collin you will be glad to know you will NOT have to spend huge shipping costs to get him one.  (YEAH!)

These are pictures of the Elders playing games with the youth members of the ward in Autlan.  It is good to see that there are good relationships with the Elders and the youth!  It is good to see the Elders having some fun.  It is good to know that Elder Williams was the first one to get soaked with water during the ending water fight!

From Elder Williams' letter:
We have 2 investigators that are supposedly escogidos.  We have one that is an ex "Luz del Mundo".  Look up the religion if you don't know because it's tough to describe.  She has a lot of confidence, psycholodical problems and strange ideas about religion.  We are trying to take that out of her and show her the truth.  Another one is a woman that is living in a free relationship.  Not married but have children and a "husband".  She is saying that she will be willing to be married to be baptized.  We are very excited to see how she progresses.  
I had to speak in sacrament meeting yesterday and I was told 30 minutes before the meeting.  The Branch President told me to talk about me and my raising in the church, missionary work, and testimony.  I was given 10 minutes and I think I took up the full 10 minutes.  
I have noticed and felt your prayers so much and we were teaching a father who had a son disappear because of affiliation with the drug trafficers.  We showed him a scripture in Moroni 8:2-3.  It really hit me and the father very strong.  We were both crying because the Spirit was so strong.  I love you so much dad and miss you.  Thanks for being such a great example for me.
Elder Vega in the upper left corner, Williams in orange.

The water fight after math!

Elder Vega in the huddle. American football...

Elder Williams on defense??  Futball!   I am not sure why the football was played in the grass and soccer on the concrete????


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