Wednesday, July 3, 2013

week of July 1st, 2013

Dear Family,

I have set up this blog so you can follow along on the rest of Collin's mission.  This is my first time at blogging, so I hope I can do it justice.  It won't be too fancy, but hopefully at least informative! 

Right now Elder Williams is in Tepic, Jalisco, Mexico.  If you want to send him something his address is:
Elder Jeffrey Williams
Apartado Postal 57-74
Col. Las Aguilas 45081
Zapopan, Jalisco, Mexico

**This is a post office box.  Fed EX and UPS won't accept this for packages.  But if you tell USPS that it is a post office box that accepts packages they will go ahead and deliver it.  At least that is what the mission office has told me.  I just sent a package about two weeks ago and have not heard that it was received by Collin yet.  It usually takes about 6 weeks to get to him.

If you don't want to send (it is expensive and tricky to get it to him with theft) then I am sure he would appreciate money in his account.  His Auntie Ninette and family send money to me every month and I deposit it into his account and that way he can use it immediately.

His birthday is coming up (Aug. 18th) so if you want to send something I would send it by mid July at the latest to get it to him.  We should be sending one here pretty quick! 

I will post each weeks letter on the blog so you can see what he writes.  I will see if he has time to write for the blog or on the blog.  That might make things easier for him, I don't know.

I will also attach pictures as he sends them.

Love you all and thanks for supporting our wonderful missionary!

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