Monday, July 29, 2013

weekly letter 7-29-13

Well, things are slowing down a little in Autlan.  Keep Elder Williams and Elder Vega in your prayers to help them find those people looking for the gospel. 

From Elder Williams:
 I found a scripture in my daily personal study.  1 Nephi 19:9.  Talks about the Savior and his patience and long suffering.  It's great.

Things are going really slow here.  All of our investigators aren't progressing the way we want them to.  We haven't been able to find new people and my companion has been here for 8 almost 9 months and is starting to get tired of visiting the majority of his baptisms that are now inactive.  He is just kinda down about the retention of his baptisms.  We are doing the best we can here but it's tough when there is nothing....  In a big city it was easy to look for old investigators that haven't been visited in awhile but here, all of them were just talked to a month ago....  We are going to do it again anyways hoping and praying that we find someone.

The branch is great.  We just had a huge activity(the jeopardy activity I wanted to do in Residencial but no one showed up).  We had about 25-30 people there playing and having a blast.  We might have gotten an investigator from that activity too.  Praying that they come to the FHE tonight.

Thank you so much for your love and prayers.  I can always feel it and they help me continue strong.  I miss you and love you so much.

No pics this week! but a promise for the branch activity pics!  It will be fun to see his branch.

Next week, same Jeff-time, same Jeff-channel...

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Weekly letter 7-22-13

Well, we found out some of the mysterious questions that were flustering many of us...Mainly the bunk bed situation...

Elder Williams has the bunk bed all to himself.  He sleeps on the bottom bunk (the one with the mattress).  His companion has a bed in the loft of the apartment. (That is what the ladder leads to.)  So all of you who offered mattresses to Collin you will be glad to know you will NOT have to spend huge shipping costs to get him one.  (YEAH!)

These are pictures of the Elders playing games with the youth members of the ward in Autlan.  It is good to see that there are good relationships with the Elders and the youth!  It is good to see the Elders having some fun.  It is good to know that Elder Williams was the first one to get soaked with water during the ending water fight!

From Elder Williams' letter:
We have 2 investigators that are supposedly escogidos.  We have one that is an ex "Luz del Mundo".  Look up the religion if you don't know because it's tough to describe.  She has a lot of confidence, psycholodical problems and strange ideas about religion.  We are trying to take that out of her and show her the truth.  Another one is a woman that is living in a free relationship.  Not married but have children and a "husband".  She is saying that she will be willing to be married to be baptized.  We are very excited to see how she progresses.  
I had to speak in sacrament meeting yesterday and I was told 30 minutes before the meeting.  The Branch President told me to talk about me and my raising in the church, missionary work, and testimony.  I was given 10 minutes and I think I took up the full 10 minutes.  
I have noticed and felt your prayers so much and we were teaching a father who had a son disappear because of affiliation with the drug trafficers.  We showed him a scripture in Moroni 8:2-3.  It really hit me and the father very strong.  We were both crying because the Spirit was so strong.  I love you so much dad and miss you.  Thanks for being such a great example for me.
Elder Vega in the upper left corner, Williams in orange.

The water fight after math!

Elder Vega in the huddle. American football...

Elder Williams on defense??  Futball!   I am not sure why the football was played in the grass and soccer on the concrete????


Monday, July 15, 2013

Week of 7-15-13

Hi there Elder Williams' fans!!  Well, Elder W is finally settled in Autlan de Navarro!  He has sent some pictures for us all to enjoy.  It looks like beautiful country and beautiful people.  His companion is Elder Vega.  He loves to go to the gym and is keeping Elder Williams in shape!  Elder Williams might never want to leave.  If you want to send him something for his birthday, just use the same email as before:
Apartado Postal 57-74
Col. Las Aguilas 45081
Zapopan, Jalisco, Mexico

He is asking for Nutella, pictures from friends, and pictures of his dancing (his companions are wanting to see him in dancing form).

From Elder Williams:
We have an investigator that plays the piano amazingly and he is playing the piano for the sacrament meetings.  We have a lot of members thanking him for playing so well and that they want lessons from him.  He plays the hymns but puts his own variation to them.  He pretty much improves through it while keeping the sound of the hymn.  It's really cool. 

I have washed all my clothes by hand this week and it's just very very annoying and tedious.  I'm really getting annoyed with the hand washing laundry.  I can't wait until I can get to a good laundramat or something.  It wastes so much of my day....

I have two investigators that are kinda progressing.  WE are trying to help one kid of 19, who has a recently born child with a member, get a testimony of the church.  He says he'll get baptized but the thing is that he isn't quite sure of why he wants to.  We are trying to build that testimony of his.  We also have his brother in law because the kid is 11 and wants his dad to baptize him.  So that's what is happening here in Autlan with Elder Vega and I.

Autlan District

In the city of Autlan

Beautiful green of Autlan

Elder Williams' bed???  Where is the mattress?

Elder Williams and Elder Vega in the House!

Elder Cordon showing the size of the HUGE pizza they received from a member in Tepic!!!

A pineapple... for all you Psych Fans!

Williams and Vega (Men in White?)

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Finally a letter! 7-9-13

Elder Williams was transferred!  He has been traveling all day and hasn't even had time to wash his clothes this week.  It could be an interesting week for him!

From: Tepic, Nayarit, Mexico To: Autlán, JAL, Mexico


Here are some excerpts from his letters:

To Brennin:
Thanks for the testimony.  I'm so glad that you know all those things.  I'm so proud of how you are growing up big guy.  I love you so much and I know that the church is true and that God loves us all.  Miss you.  Hugs.

Info about his new place - 
I got changed to Autlan de Navarro.  It's a little town with a branch not a ward.  But supposedly they baptize a ton here.  I'm super stoked.  My new comp's name is Elder Vega.  He's from Hidalgo, Mexico and is a gym rat.  We will be going to the gym every morning at 5!!!!  I might die.  But I'll lose this fat and gain some good muscle.  I actually can't wait to get in the gym.  The area is HOT!!!!!!  I've only been here for an hour now and I'm dying!!!  More humid that Tepic and hotter too.  I actually saw the ocean on the bus drive here.

Today I have been on a bus or a taxi all day....  I woke up at 6 got on a bus at 8, got to Guadalajara at 12, left Guad at 1, got here to Manzanillo at 5.....  I'm still not even in my own area yet.  I can't believe these changes.  I have almost no clean clothing because I haven't had a Pday today.  I don't know if I'll have a Pday this week.  Hand washing here I come....

For the last 2 weeks everyday has been a rainstorm that has made the streets a river!!!  I have never had to find rocks, wooden planks, shallow water, or jump so many puddles in my lifetime compared to these last 2 weeks.  I'm now out of that area so I'm hoping that I won't have to worry about that anymore.

I'm now in Autlan.  It's in the state of Colima.  It's a pueblito with a little branch.  I'm kinda excited to see how it all works out for me.  My comp has been telling me that the members are great, baptisms are almost a weekly thing, the branch president is bery supportive as are the members in lessons.  I'm excited for a change of scenary.  It's very green here!!!  Palm trees everywhere, bushes, GRASS!!!!!  That was a new sight.  My nose is all healed up.

I'm grateful for your prayers and your updates.  Thanks for the packages and the love.  I miss you and love you so much.

Elder Williams

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

some older pictures

Elder Williams and Elder Cordon getting ready for the day

First torn shoe!  They lasted almost a year!

With storms and no water or electricity this was the shower for about a month!

Chapel in Tepic

Wind+dirt+eyes closed+2X4 = this!  Ouch!

week of July 1st, 2013

Dear Family,

I have set up this blog so you can follow along on the rest of Collin's mission.  This is my first time at blogging, so I hope I can do it justice.  It won't be too fancy, but hopefully at least informative! 

Right now Elder Williams is in Tepic, Jalisco, Mexico.  If you want to send him something his address is:
Elder Jeffrey Williams
Apartado Postal 57-74
Col. Las Aguilas 45081
Zapopan, Jalisco, Mexico

**This is a post office box.  Fed EX and UPS won't accept this for packages.  But if you tell USPS that it is a post office box that accepts packages they will go ahead and deliver it.  At least that is what the mission office has told me.  I just sent a package about two weeks ago and have not heard that it was received by Collin yet.  It usually takes about 6 weeks to get to him.

If you don't want to send (it is expensive and tricky to get it to him with theft) then I am sure he would appreciate money in his account.  His Auntie Ninette and family send money to me every month and I deposit it into his account and that way he can use it immediately.

His birthday is coming up (Aug. 18th) so if you want to send something I would send it by mid July at the latest to get it to him.  We should be sending one here pretty quick! 

I will post each weeks letter on the blog so you can see what he writes.  I will see if he has time to write for the blog or on the blog.  That might make things easier for him, I don't know.

I will also attach pictures as he sends them.

Love you all and thanks for supporting our wonderful missionary!