Wednesday, May 28, 2014

week 5-28-14

This blog will be soooo boring compared to the last two!!!  But I think we have some good news to share no matter what!

First of all here is an update on the investigators:

"Cassandra is doing really well.  Cassandra had a great experience again.  We had a big Employment Fair at the Stake Center.  She bought a FrappĂ© with coffee....  We saw her and we didn't tell her anything.  She then looked at us and starting talking to us.  She then changed her expresssion and told us, "Is this against the W.O.W.?"  We said "What do you think?"  And she went and threw it away!!!!!!!  It was amazing!!!!!  
Guadalupe is still having struggles with her BF.  She is having lots of fights with him and still hasn't broken up with him...  We are trying to do everything we can so that she can get baptized asap.  She probably won't get baptized this weekend but Cassandra will.  :)   Ivan I have no idea what is happening with him because he is starting to slack...  We are really hoping and praying that he will get back into his progression."

This means that we will get pictures on Monday of the baptism!!!!  Yeah!!!!

"we (also) had 13 LA's in Sacrament Meeting yesterday.
Both Chris and I tried to figure out what LA's are???  Anybody???  Anybody???

About the knees... or we can title that "Knees News"?

"So my reaction was even stronger than Ibuprofen...  I told them and he said we'll make sure we don't give you anything like that again.  He told me that I have what you told me Garrin has... He then took x-rays to make sure my bones are all aligned and taken care of and they were. He then said I'm going to give you cortisone shots!!!!!!!  AAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!  I got 2; one in each knee.  They are still stiff from those shots.  They then gave me medication that isn't anti inflammatory and that will help me.  Then I have to ice them every 8 hrs for 5 days....  I also have a different "doctor" in our ward that is telling me that I don't need to be taking those pills and that I just need to align my body....  He's a kind of Chiropractor but focuses on the whole body and not just the spine.  I'm going to see him today at 3:30 so we'll see if that helps at all.  The Trauma doctor gave me exercises to do but they are more stretches.  I'll try them out to see if there is any improvement. "

Sounds like Elder Williams needs LOTS of prayers in his behalf and for Lupe and Ivan.  We still don't have any official news on a homecoming date.  I guarantee we will let you know as soon as we do.  As of Friday, it is officially SUMMER!!!!  Yeah!!!!  We love you all!!!  

Monday, May 19, 2014

weekly letter 5-19-14

Well, school is almost out!  The time seems to be going on FOREVER since the skype!  Elder Williams is keeping busy and hopefully getting his knee fixed!  We heard from him that the doctors say "tendonitis" (which is basically patellafemoral syndrome) and gave him anti-inflamatories.  Well, he had a "bad allergic attack".  Don't know what that means, but he now has to go to a traumatologist this week?  Don't have any idea what that is!  So, for Elder Williams' health, keep him and his knees in your prayers.

Now for the excitement of the week...

This is a HUGE FROG!!!

 Now compare this picture to what we read about in Garrin's Ranger Rick Jr. this week...

Could this be a Cane Toad????

Then the district got together to get a little more unity and made their own T-shirts!  They are soooo cute!

Back of the shirts...
 In case you can't zoom in:
There is a caricature of each Elder/Sister with their names under it.  The only thing wrong is that Elder Williams is a blond in his pic instead of a red head!
Front of T-shirts...

They have a picture (like the one in a previous blog) with all the missionaries of the district with the beautiful ocean view behind them.  The saying under the picture reads, "Try a little harder to be a little better!" President Hinkley.

 "Guadalupe and Cassandra are getting ready to be baptized on the 31st.  They went to church and had a great time.  They are really learning and wanting to keep up.  Ivan didn't go to church again and he told us last week that he might be going to DF soon for about a month.  We hope that he comes back and wants to still go hard in the gospel."  (not sure what "DF" is?)

"We are actually just about to run to an FHE with Guadalupe and Cassandra so that's why I don't have a lot of time to finish writing you." (I guess we will accept a shorter letter for an FHE with an investigator! :-))

We think this might be cassandra but we don't know for sure...  Elder Williams titled it, "This dog protects her owners.  Does yours?"

Hope you all have a GREAT week!  Only 8 more school days left, but who's counting?      ME!!!!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

week of 5-12-14

Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers in our lives.  It was a GREAT one for me because I got to see my Elder!  He looks great; seems very happy; has a great relationship with his companion; and was smiling the whole time we talked!  What could make a mother more happy!  Then we got pics and vids from him on Monday!  BONUS!!!!  So, here is a SHOUT OUT to all the "Moms" in Elder Williams life...

We love all of the mothers in our lives!  Hope you had a GREAT Mother's Day!
Here is a quick update with how things are in Vallarta...
Ivan, Cassandra and Lupe are still working toward baptism.  They are struggling getting to church, but they have not given up.  Please keep them in your prayers to feel the spirit of the Lord.  Cassandra had a revelatory/answer to prayer experience of her own with the Book of Mormon that she shared with the Elders and they all had a great spirit around them.  She is now reading the Book of Mormon. YEAH!!!  Lupe is still working on her "boyfriend" of 7 years and trying to come to grips that she doesn't want to be with him because he isn't so good to her.  Ivan was swamped with Mother's Day events and couldn't get to church this week, but is still progressing!  It was wonderful to hear all the fun things that the Elders have going there.

The only bad news that Elder Williams had to share was one about himself.  He is experiencing LOTS of pain in his knees.  He has been sent to the doctor by Sister Wagner and if the medication doesn't help, he might have to have an MRI and whatever that says, possible surgery.  We are really hoping (and he is too) that it won't come to that.  Please keep Elder Williams in your prayers so he can be healed and finish up his mission.  We just took Garrin into a Sports Medicine doctor today (May 13) with the exact same complaints of pain as Elder Williams described and he has officially been diagnosed with "patellarfemoral" syndrome.  I told the doctor that Elder Williams had the same symptoms and he gave me a copy of the exercises and stretches that he gave Garrin to do.  We will scan those in and send them to Elder Williams immediately. 

Elder Williams and Elder Poblete seem to have a wonderful friendship!  Elder Poblete is a very happy, positive companion and loves to have fun as much as Elder Williams!  His only complaint about Elder Williams is... "he snores!  sometimes so loud I can't sleep!"  We told Elder Williams to go get some of those nose plug/snore things.

So, as you can see we had a GREAT talk!  We also found out that Elder Williams does read this blog to make sure his mother isn't making any mistakes with her stories.  His one complaint about the blog is that there are NO COMMENTS being made (except by Marie Cummings!)  So now that you know he reads the blog, MAKE COMMENTS to Elder Williams and he might actually answer you back???

Here are some fun photos and videos of Elder Williams and his companions!

First a Painting Service Project.  (I didn't get any info as to where, who or what)

Elder in "War Paint"?

T-shirt Coveralls!

Birthday parties for the Ward Mission Leader who you can tell has a great relationship with his missionaries and works hard to keep them busy!

Brother Organista and his missionaries

A Happy Birthday cake for a wonderful leader!
Happy Birthday Ward Mission Leader!

Now for a little "Elderly" fun...

Smile, Pitbull puppy, Smile!
 I have NO idea where these pictures were taken or how they got the police stuff!  But it looks like there are jokers everywhere!
Elder Poblete getting Elder Williams back for snoring!

Turn around is fair play????

Elders or Bandits???
If you are going to cover up your faces you might want to cover up the badges, too?  They are kind of a dead give away as to who you are...

And now for the real getting back at Elder Poblete...

They call this tickle torture!

Now for the talent in the district!  We found out that the "Greenie" Elder Mickelson was a Jump Rope National Champion!!!!!!  So here are some "sick" videos of his exceptional talent...

After this first attempt, Elder Mickelson learned to get his tie out of the way!

Well, we hope you had a great time reading, looking and watching!  We hope you all had a great week-end celebrating the wonderful mothers in your lives!  We hope you make some comments for Elder Williams to read and please keep him in your prayers!

We love you all!
The Williams'

Monday, May 5, 2014

week of 5-5-14

Happy Cinco de Mayo!!!!  And an update from Elder Williams from Mexico!  How appropriate!  Hope your days are as sunny as the pics he has sent us from Puerto Vallarta!

Look at those handsome Elders and the beautiful city!

How could you EVER get tired of that view!!!???

Elder Williams and Elder Poblete have been keeping very busy!  Here are some of their activities for the week:

English Classes!
Elder Williams doesn't look too bad at a chalkboard.

There must be something that needs to be explained!
 Working on greetings...

These two look extremely intense!

Then Family Home Evening...

Guadelupe and Cassandra are the ones in the front chairs.

And some missionary work!

"I'm doing good.  The heat is now starting to kick in.  I am trying to still stay hydrated and to do lots of exercise so that I can keep a good figure(or get a good figure).  hahahaha.  New and exciting is that we had Lupe, Cass, and Ivan in sacrament!!!!  woohoo.  So happy.  This means that Lupe can get baptized this weekend if she is still keeping the commitments we are leaving her.  We have a lesson with her tonight and we are going to double check.  New investigators: we found one yesterday and he is really in need of the Gospel.  He has had some crazy things happen in his life and needs the power of forgiveness and the Atonement in his life.  He is willing to read the pamphlet we gave him and we are trying to teach his wife too.  He felt the Spirit really strong in this lesson and wants to have us visit every week.  We can do that...  hahahahaha.  The members in our area are doing good and are really helping us out a lot.  It's such a big difference from Autlan.  They are so willing but they don't give us names....  We'll work on that.  That's about all that's new."

And finally a little sight seeing...

The "Dead Sea" of Puerto Vallarta

Isn't this place supposed to be tropical, not dessert?

Now this looks like the real thing!

The newest Elder to the district...

Elder Mickelson

Elder Cervantes made some personalized Books or Mormon!
Well, it looks and sounds like all is going well in Vallarta!  This week is Mother's Day and we will be getting a Skype call!  Soooooooo EXCITED!!!!!!

"I will be starting at around 7 o'clock here so that's 6 there.  I'll be testing out the hardware first and then I'll call you.  I can't wait to see you.  I can't believe this is my last call I have till I come home.  AAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!  Crazy!!!!! I miss you so much and can't wait to see you.  If anything changes this week I'll let you know when we Skype.  Reminder 7 here 6 there.  I love you so much and I can't wait to talk to you guys."

He has also given all of us some homework:

"I want you to think of people you haven't forgiven of something they did to you.  Watch "Forgiveness: My burdens were made light"  Mormon Message.  Please try to seek out the people that have harmed you, ask forgiveness for things you might have done and then forgive them for the things they did to you.  You will find a greater sense of freedom and abundance of the Spirit in your life."

Forgiveness: My burdens were made light   Make sure you have kleenex!!!!

We love you all!  We will try and get some vids or pics of the skype for next week!!!