Tuesday, February 4, 2014

week of 2-4-14

Sorry I didn't get this out sooner.   I have been sick all week end!  I went through 2 BOXES of kleenex by myself!!  Yuck!  The grungies are going around our house!! But Elder Williams seems to doing doing great and is in great spirits!!!

"I am staying here in Autlan!!!!  Wahoo!!!!  I'm so excited to still be here and to still work with my favorite families and get to work and teach more wonderful people in this branch. 

I bore my testimony yesterday and I kinda gave a goodbye but...(then didn't leave),  I know that the Book of Mormon is the word of God and that it can help us with all of our daily troubles if we will just read its words and pray for inspiration by the Holy Ghost.  It has worked many times in my life and it is happening in many of the people's lives that I'm teaching.  I know that Christ atoned for all of us and that He is the only one that was the PERFECT candidate to do so.  I know that Joseph Smith saw the Father and the Son.  They called him to restore this church and that we are in the right.  

 Just 4 more transfers!!!!  WOW!!!!"

It seems as if Elder Williams is really falling in love with the people he is serving!  But then again, he has always had such a soft heart and is easily loved, too.

The new Autlan Soccer Team!!!!  Coaches Williams and ????? (I am so embarrassed that I can't remember his new companion's name!)

Christmas present from Mom...Play anywhere ping pong!

That is one SMALL table!

Action shot!

Well, it seems as if all is well and the Elders are keeping busy and staying fit and happy!  Now we just need some more baptism pictures!!!!  Let's keep them in our prayers and see if we can get a baptism in before Elder Williams is actually transferred from Autlan!


  1. Wow, if Elder Williams has 4 more transfers, Elder Cummings only has THREE! It's gone SO quickly!!

  2. I don't know about transfers, but the fast sunday countdown has begun. Only 5 more fast sundays!!!!
