Monday, December 30, 2013

Christmas letter

Well, we had a great time talking with Elder Williams on Wednesday.  It was a little late because they had to got to the church building.  The two sets of Elders had to use an Ipad and Laptop to skype with us, but it worked!!  We also got to quickly see Elder Flores (who stayed another transfer) and then the two new elders, Elder Lines (DL) and Collin's companion.  They all seem like nice guys.  I guess the two new guys are a little "stiff".  They think that Elder Williams is having too much fun with the members and not enough spiritual.  Elder Williams is trying to find a balance with this new addition.  He thinks that this will be his last transfer in Autlan.  He is sad to go, but looking forward to a new adventure. 

"I miss a lot of people here already and knowing that I will be leaving Autlan soon is starting to sink in.   I'm going to do everything I can to make this possibly last transfer here the best it can and carry the momentum to the next area.  I really want to finish strong and I want to look back and not have any regrets on the work I "could have done" and see "I did enough".

"I hope you enjoy your NYE (New Year's Eve) because we can't do anything fun here....  Christmas was fun and we ate a lot!!!!  We had pizza twice in one day and then we had a very yummy "Turkey" dinner with a very yummy fruit salad that I am begging for the recipe.  I loved spending time with some of my favorite families here even though my comp didn't let me joke around with them as much as I would have liked.  He just cut right in to teach a lesson.....  Oh well.  Still trying to find a balance."

"I had to talk last minute yesterday because we had 45 people at church for the rain storm...  It's been raining for 3 days straight.  It's terrible.  I talked about the same thing as the Elder there (in Florida).  Don't be afraid to talk to someone about the church and just do it with a prayer in your heart.  The Spirit and faith will take over the fear."

Elder Williams looks great!  He is definitely a MAN!  He is no longer my little boy or my little young man.  I can't believe how much he has already changed!  He sounds happy and is really enjoying his mission.  He had a hard time talking with us...he kept reverting back into Spanish as he was talking.  Chris laughed at him the whole time!  Our only bad part of the skype was when the rain storm came into Autlan and took out our connection.  We had to type and stutter our way through the last 10 minutes of the call.  And as you can tell from his email, it has been raining ever since Christmas Day.

Well, as we leave the wonderful warmth of Florida and Elder Williams gets to forge through the rain of Autlan, we will see what the new year brings to us all.  We hope you had a very Merry Christmas and a fantastic New Year!!  Elder Williams only has 8 months left!!!!!!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

week of 12-16-13

Well, it is only 8 days away before we can skype to Elder Williams!!!!  We are so excited we are about to jump out of our skin!!!!  We will be leaving for Florida on Wednesday...WARMTH!!!!  I don't know if I will have time to do a blog while I am there, but I will try!  I might even include pics of us on the beach just to rub it in!!  :-)

Elder Williams had transfers this week.  He is staying in Autlan again, but Elder Snyder is homeward bound and Elder Barrera got transferred.  So he and Elder Flores are still in Autlan.  They are both getting new companions and they are supposedly having a missionary dinner to all meet.  Sounds like he will get his packages there, too!

Brother Jones, Collin's old YM leader asked me to ask him to send his testimony that he could share with the Priest's quorum.  It is soo wonderful I thought I would put it on this weeks blog!  He also got a wonderful letter from his Mexican "Omi" that shows how wonderfully loved and taken care of he was in Residencial. 

"The mission is the best decision that I could have made.  I have seen so many different people have their lives changed for the better that it has made my testimony of this wonderful gospel grow.  The way that people put their complete trust in us as missionaries and in the Lord is remarkable.  There are so many people that have learned by experience that obedience brings blessings.  Just as President Monson said in his talk in April blessing are brought to pass by obedience to the gospel of Christ.  Just as it says in Mosiah 2:41, we receive all kinds of blessings by living the gospel and keeping the commandments of God.  The saints here in Mexico are so happy to have found the truth and live these standards.  The majority are converts and have told me that they haven't felt this happiness anywhere else.  The Church is true and this is His work.  Being a missionary requires a lot of preparation but it will make things so much easier once you are out in the field.  Study PMG and read the BoM before you head out.  It will give you a wonderful headstart.  Keep yourselves clean and don't have any "addictions" to things or it will be very hard to go "cold turkey" here on the mission.  Make sure you sanctify yourselves and be ready at all times to talk to anyone about the gospel.  Be ready to share this wonderful life changing miracle of the restoration with everyone.  The only way they can receive eternal life and families is through what we teach.  Joseph Smith restored the full truth to the earth by the power of God.  We are privledged to hold this wonderful power but we can only use it if we have the Spirit.  Keep yourselves clean and follow the counsels of your leaders.  The leaders of your mission will be your most trusted friends if you earn their trust and keep it.  The Book of Mormon is the word of God and Another Testament of Jesus Christ.  It contains the answers to all the questions of humanity.  If you read it with the Spirit and a prayer in your heart, you will learn something new EVERYTIME you read.  This is my testimony in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen."

Letter from Sister Zaldivar (google translated)
My guerito so far I got your mail. and with all the gusto I'm
writing eperando find yourself really well, we're
well but, yo. I've missed you so much I wrote you a letter if you do not
would come, the elders come to eat with us, and always remember you
much, and you were my grandson comes to want much my guerito and your
be happy, I do not forget alberto sends you greetings, I command all
my baby, please take care much, and do not forget we love you very much.
greetings to your beautiful family,,,

Sister Zaldivar

Have a super fantastic Holiday!!!!  We will be basking in the sunshine!!!!

Monday, December 9, 2013

week 12-9-13

After such a fun week during Thanksgiving, Elder Williams has settled back down again.  The best gift that a parent can receive is the wonderful testimony of their children.  Here is Elder Williams wonderful testimony:

The plan of salvation is a wonderful thing and a marvelous gift to all mankind.  It gives us meaning in life and an answer to the many questions about birth, life, and death.  I know that God is always wanting the best for us and that He is looking down at us hoping and praying we will use our agency wisely and for the right path.  God loves us so much to give us His son to give us a chance to return.  He knew we couldn't do this without the sacrifice of Jesus the Christ. I've seen many people become touched by this knowledge that we have of the Great Plan of Salvation of our Father.  I'm grateful to know that so I don't have to be so sad when our loved ones die.  We have a young woman who was a widow at 24 and at her husband's funeral she had no tear in her eye because she knew the plan God prepared for them would allow her to see him again.  What a testimony!!

And seconded by his own wonderful testimony!

Here are a few more pics that were sent a few days later from a ranch right outside of Autlan.

Snyder, Barrera, Flores, Williams

Names, country flags, sport numbers and nicknames

The Manzanillo Zone

Rock Jumping!  If you can't jump in the water, why not try the rocks??

Elder Snyder protecting Elder Williams from the crashing boulders?

Corn on a stick!  Almost like at home or is that from Nacho Libre?

Have a great week!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

week of 12-1-13

Well, between Thanksgiving and trying to get Christmas packages off, we finally got a letter from Elder Williams.  He had a day to go get his Visa renewed and then Thanksgiving and then he got an extra P-day because of all that.  Wow! I even got an email conversation with him on my birthday!  It was the best Birthday present ever!!!  This week's blog is full of pics and vids, so ENJOY!

The three muskateers reunited!  Elders Williams, Farmer, Eagan.  Elder Farmer was his MTC companion and Elder Eagan was the one that almost broke his finger playing basketball!  They look GREAT!

Elder Snyder replaces Elder Sanders at the transfers.  He happens to be a PHS alumni just like Collin!  The world just keeps getting smaller with two PHS boys not only serving in the same mission, but in the same district!!!!

Frog Eye Salad for Thanksgiving!

Chef Williams' improvising with ingredients.

Collin wanted Frog Eye Salad sooooo badly this year that he asked for the recipe and made it himself.  The biggest problem was getting the correct pasta...with no way of getting Acini de Pepe Chef Williams improvises with cutting up spaghetti!!!!  Way to go Chef!!!

Speaking of cooking... these two dishes are polar opposites...

Barbocoa Tacos...Yummy!

I have no idea who the chef was on this one...YUK?!

According to Elder Williams it is biscuits and gravy over pancakes!!!!  Go ahead, I dare you to try it!

Now for the P-day fun (as if the cooking fun wasn't fun enough!)!

Elder Snyder as his "pit crew".

Go-Kart (push cart) racing...

Now for the Action Video of the races...  Snyder VS. Flores... you time them!

Then there is the beauty of living in the tropics!  While we are weathering one of the worst storms in Utah, Elder Williams is out running through the rocks and streams on a beautiful summer day! Just doesn't seem fair, does it...

Well, it seems the Elders are keeping themselves busy with less actives and part member families.  This family with the push cart is a part member family.  The older girl, Mitzi, is a member, and they are hoping for the mother to get baptized soon.  Keep them in your prayers!

The last thing that Elder Williams said before he signed off was, "I am sick!"  Oh, boy!  I hope it is something quick.  He hasn't been sick hardly at all this mission, so hopefully this will pass and all will be feeling better.  We may be in for a little more info tomorrow, but we know we will be skyping in about 20 days!!!!!!  I love Christmas!!!!!

See you next week for the continuing Williams saga...